Daily Lunch #61 Chicken Breast with Vegetables

in #food6 years ago


Hello everyone! This was my lunch today.
Chicken Breast with Vegetables (Pumpkin Butter, zucchini and Peppers)



Cut the chicken into pieces and season with salt, garlic, thyme and pepper, half an hour before.
In a frying pan with olive oil, brown the chicken first, then add the vegetables and a sprig of rosemary, a little salt and pepper, put the lid and let cook 5 to 10 minutes. If you need add some water.



Olá a todos! Este foi o meu almoço de hoje 😀😀😀
Peito de frango com legumes (Abóbora manteiga, courgette e pimentos)

Cortar o frango em pedaços e temperar com sal, alho, tomilho e pimenta, meia hora antes.
Numa frigideira com azeite, alourar primeiro o frango, depois juntar os legumes e um raminho de alecrim, mais um pouco de sal e pimenta, colocar a tampa e deixar cozer 5 a 10 minutos. Se for preciso acrescente um pouco de água.



That looks fantastic! I like almost any kind of chicken. I would especially enjoy the garlic you used. You’re making me hungry now, Paula lol


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