in #food8 years ago (edited)

(Image Source)

Let me start this article by mentioning how much I love compound butters. Making them is simple. You just take your favourite butter, mix it with any ingredients you can imagine and use it to take the flavour profile of your dish to a whole new level. You can make it savoury for meat, fish, and veggies or just use it as a spread. You can even make it sweet. Mix it with chocolate, caramel, even fruit pieces and then put a piece of it over warm, freshly made pancakes – a match made in heaven!     

(Image Source)

 This recipe contains a step that many of you will find pointless and unnecessary – and you are probably right! Making your own butter is not an absolute requirement. Actually, let me take this a step further and tell you that your homemade butter will probably not taste any different than a good quality store-bought one, even though it will definitely be much more fresh! But us humans, we have a built-in need and desire of creating and producing our own things. In today’s society where everything seems to be made ready for us, that desire is hard to express. What I am trying to say is that, even though the process might seem unnecessary, I can guarantee you that the pleasure and satisfaction you will get from making your own butter for this recipe, will be worth the effort.     

As I promised you, your butter will be hand-made – and in our recipe, I LITERALLY mean hand-made. There will be a lot of shaking involved so be ready for it! You can absolutely use a food processor for this and I actually recommend it if you are making a larger dose. But for those of you who want to do it old-style, these are all the ingredients you will need:  

For just the butter:

  • Very cold heavy cream with at least 35% fat
  • A small plastic or glass container
  • Your hands

For the compound butter, you need as extra:

  • Fresh mint leaves
  • Fresh basil leaves
  • One whole garlic
  • Lime zest
  • Salt

1. Cooking the garlic

Cut the top of the garlic off as shown above.  Drizzle with olive oil and cook in an 180 degree Celsius (350 Fahrenheit) for 35-40 minutes.

2. Get the cream ready 

Before you start, place the cream in the freezer for a few minutes.  It HAS to be cold before you start the process or else you will be shaking for a long long time.  If you are using a food processor you can use the cream right from the refrigerator.  Place the cream in a small container but don't fill it all the way.

3. Start shaking

4. Continue Shaking

5. Your butter is ready

Once the butter separates from the buttermilk completely then you are done.  Some people suggest to 'wash' the butter in some water to remove all the buttermilk.  If you will be using the butter within 1-2 days, this is not necessary.

6. Add the garlic

7.  Add the lime zest

8. Add the herbs and salt

9. Roll the butter into a cylinder and refrigerate

10. Add the butter on a juicy steak and enjoy!!


Good Job
Looks Yum
Steemon Fellow Steemian

Thank you fellow Steemian :)

Yes! I have been wanting to do this. I love your photos and step-by-step hand holding. Well done! (but not my steak)

Thank you!! I have also tried this butter with chicken - it was amazing!

I'm very curious about the way the mint, basil and lime will go together in the butter. It's like a mouth-gasm in my mind.

It's really a great one! Hand-made butter is usually a bit more 'light' in flavor than the more heavy store bought. If you combine that with the freshness of mint, basil and lime it compliments meat perfectly without overpowering its taste.

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