Sweet Spicy Pineapple (Nanas Manis Pedas)

in #food7 years ago


[ENG] Hello friend stemians, when the weather outside is hot again I will share how to make a fresh spicy sweet pineapple to be enjoyed by the family. this is the recipe :

[IND] Hallo sahabat stemians, saat cuaca di luar lagi panas saya akan membagi cara membuat nanas manis pedas yang segar untuk dinikmati oleh keluarga. Inilah resepnya :

*Ingredients (Bahan) :

  • Pineapple
  • Red chili
    (Cabe merah)
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Water

*How to make (Cara membuat) :

  • Coarsely grinded red pepper and salt
    (Giling kasar cabe merah dan garam)
  • Boil the water and put the chili and sugar
    (Didihkan air lalu masukkan cabe dan beri gula)
  • Then turn off the heat, wait until it is cold and then insert the pineapple
    (Kemudian matikan api, tunggu sampai dingin lalu masukkan nanas)
  • Put it in the refrigerator
    (Masukkan dalam kulkas)
  • Serve the pineapple when it cools to make it fresh
    (Sajikan nanas saat dingin agar lebih segar)

Hopefully this can be useful
(Semoga ini dapat bermanfaat)

Cooking is an art that is done with all my heart and the result is a masterpiece
(Memasak adalah seni yang dilakukan dengan sepenuh hati dan hasilnya adalah sebuah mahakarya)


This is very weird I've never seen chili on pineapple is it really that good? I'm curious to make the recipe to see what it is like. Thanks for sharing!

Wowww...it's very fresh

Sedapnya,, kesukaanku hehe

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