Discover the benefits of lentils!

in #food7 years ago

Lentils are known as "the food of the poor" and "knee screws", and it is equivalent to meat in nutritional values ​​in terms of proteins and iron in particular, what are the benefits of lentils and does lentils have a role and place in your diet?

Lentils are known as "the food of the poor", and it is equal to meat in nutritional values ​​in terms of proteins and iron in particular, and has long been known that the benefits of lentils are many and very important in several aspects of health and nutrition, is lentils role and place in your diet? What are the most important benefits of lentils? Does it contribute to weight loss?

Lentil is a healthy, easy to prepare and available in every home. It can be eaten in the form of boiled beans, grain, or soup. There are many recipes for this highly nutritious vegetarian dish. Lentils are a source of energy and rich in complex carbohydrates, fiber, proteins, iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, folic acid and many minerals and vitamins.

Lentil is a rich source of plant proteins
Lentils occupy the third place in containing proteins and amino acids among other legumes such as beans, chickpeas and others. It is enough to say that 26% of the calories lent to us come from its proteins.

Lentil is a source rich in dietary fiber

Lentil is also a very rich source of insoluble dietary fiber and is very important in regulating the work of the digestive system and facilitate digestion and prevention of constipation and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. And of course many other health matters related to the organization of weight, diabetes, etc., and a cup of cooked lentils contains about 65% of the daily requirement of fiber.

The benefits of lentils in weight loss

One cup of cooked lentils contains about 230 calories. This percentage may not be considered high. On the other hand, this cup is very rich in fiber and proteins that promote satiety, delay hunger and inhibit appetite, and encourages nutritionists to introduce lentils in different diets and diets .

Lentil benefits in lowering blood cholesterol

Lentil contains a high percentage of soluble fiber, which is very important in lowering LDL and raising HDL. Therefore, lentils play an important role in promoting cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of strokes and strokes. Lentil is a rich source of magnesium and folic acid that are very important in promoting and protecting heart health.

Lentils and diabetes

The benefits of cereals for diabetics are many, especially that the inclusion of lentils on complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber make it among foods slow digestion, and the fiber it contains help reduce the absorption of sugar in the intestines and control levels in the blood and hence may be the ideal food for diabetics.

With all these benefits for lentils and richness with all these nutritional values, it may be important to include it within the scheme of your daily meals and rely on it as a useful source of energy.


These look yummy!!


miam miam ha ha @hoaha

You got my vote and a resteem :]

I eat lentils daily! They are so good for filling you up and can be added to salads, soups (as you show) and I love lentil patties that are then used to make burgers!

This burger patty has lentils, chickpeas (another great plant food) and onion. It looks amazing!

Thank you for the post friend! Followed for more of your healthy food articles :)

I was honored to meet you my friend @harrynewman thank you

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