Which is the King of famous Chinese dishes? (哪一道是中华料理美味之王?)

in #food8 years ago

Chinese cuisine includes styles originating from the diverse regions of China, as well as from Chinese people in other parts of the world including most Asian nations. The history of Chinese cuisine in China stretches back for thousands of years and has changed from period to period and in each region according to climate, imperial fashions, and local preferences.

中华料理,为中国文化的一部分,它对东亚地区的饮食文化带来深远影响,常见于多华人之地区。欧美称之为Chinese Food。中国菜的特点为:色、香、味、意、形,被称为“国菜五品”,一闻就有强烈的香气,与大量的调味.

Top-1: 麻婆豆腐 (Mapo tofu)

Mapo tofu is the most famous and easiest kind of Sichuan food and also the spicy taste also makes it very popular.True powerfully spicy with both conventional "heat" spiciness and the characteristic "mala" (numbing spiciness) flavor of Sichuan cuisine. 


Top-2: 炒饭 (Mapo tofu)

Fried rice is a Chinese dish of steamed rice that has been stir-fried in a wok and, usually. It is sometimes served as the penultimate dish in Chinese banquets,just before dessert. As a homemade dish, fried rice is typically made with leftover ingredients.


Top-3: 煎饺( Dumplings [guotie] )

And of course, there are dumplings (known as 锅贴 guotie when panfried), which represent wealth and prosperity because they have the shape of gold nuggets, the ancient Chinese currency for money.


Top-4: 干烧虾仁 (dry fried shrimp)

Which means dry-cooked shrimp, may be more meaningful.This dish is very popular in many types of Restaurants in outside China.


Top-5:  青椒肉丝 (Chinjao Rōsu)

This hot dish that is very often in the recent year,and is of Chinese origin. The Chinese use original for this stir-fry pork and green pepper strips. But the Japanese like it more with thinly sliced beef, bamboo shoots and green peppers. 


( Please comments here! ) 请您评价! 


Number five would be my choice.

Thanks your comments.

What I said in English:
Are you kidding me? it's midnight and I'm more hungry after checking all your pictures. ^-^

sorry. 说的对, 确实不该发图,会有催人吃夜宵的困扰.



Top-2: 炒饭 应该是(Fried Rice).
是cut and paste 惹的祸吧。:-)

謝謝指正, 下回改進了.


Who's the girl? She's gorgeous, way too gorgeous... and totally distracted me from the article.

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