Is there anything better than tacos?

in #foodlast year

I'm going to break from my usual talks about art and art education to talk about something else that I am passionate about. I really love tacos and find that they are the perfect food.


A few days ago I would out with a friend and he told me about this new taco place that is pretty cheap called Adobo and I figured what the hell! Let's go check it out. It had been a while since I had tacos so I was definitely looking forward to it.

I was about halfway through the 2nd one when I realized that I need to pace myself. It is so easy to just tear through these things and then still be hungry for more. Then about 20 minutes later your gut finally starts talking to your brain again and you realize that you overate by a grand margin. This is one of the biggest dangers of tacos. They go down so easy that it is very simple to overdo it.


I don't often eat fast food because I am aware of how bad it is for you but when Taco Bell came out with this creation called the "Doritos Locos Supreme" I had to try it. It was love at first bite. I wouldn't have thought that it was possible to make a crunchy taco supreme better than it already was but as it turns out all you have to do is turn the shell into a giant Nacho Cheese Dorito and voila! Something that was already awesome became even better.

The last time I went to Taco Bell, which was months ago, they had discontinued the Doritos Locos and I can't imagine how that would ever be possible. In my mind it was the greatest addition to fast food since burgers.

At least here in the United States, Mexican food or Tex-Mex food is basically one of the only cheap places to go and eat anymore. Even at a "sit down" restaurant you can easily get a mountain of food for less than $8 in basically any city in America. I love how when you go into these places, regardless of where they are, they will always put a tray of tortilla chips on your table with a carafe of salsa before you even order anything.

This can be a dangerous lunch though because every time I go and do this, I end up in a food coma afterwards. Telling myself that I am going to take it easy at lunch is something that I always do and always fail with whenever I go to one of these places for lunch. I think a better strategy would be to go to them on days when you want to have an early night. Unlike other restaurants, booze isn't really even necessary because the food arrives so fast that you don't really have much time to socialize.

I love tacos and a lot of other Mexican dishes as well. I think it might be the world's most perfect food.


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