My yesterday making iftar 😃steemCreated with Sketch.

in #food6 years ago (edited)


Assalamu Waliakum. Everyone knows Ramadanul Mobarak various wants 😊 Desire everyone is doing this snappy Ramadan speedy.Desire everyone will stimulate me by commenting and commenting on 😊😊

→ ♦ which are included

  1. custard

  2. Salad

  3. Jilapi

  4. Burundi

  5. Cake

  6. Raw gram

  7. Chowla Bhaji

  8. date palm

  9. Dal shelled nut

  10. Potato severs

  11. Chicken Fry

  12. purple

  13. mango

  14. Litchi



By and by come, take the sustenance of my iftar stool.

As an issue of first significance, I have to express that rough granules.


  • Roasted stewed gram or cooked gram is a notable devour. Nevertheless, extra oil flavors are crushed by cooking in light of its supplement quality.

Cholaya contains an impressive measure of protein, which is adequate to meet the day's protein needs. Similarly, the fiber controls the level of glucose in the blood. Potassium, Vitamin and Mineral That turns away impediment by handling sustenance.

Nevertheless, due to the use of extra oil on the occasion of cooking, these food sections are hurt. So rough or foamed chickpeas are altogether more important than cooking.

The gram or the boot is called grainy strong grains. That suggests the absence of fish (meat), et cetera., in little totals (around 50 gram) is open on the regular calendar. Various people say, eat peas and spend it. Inquisitively, the measure of meat in meat is around equal to the measure of meat, fish or eggs in the egg.

💜💜 Futanman:

There is an aggregate of around 18 grams of protein for each 100 grams of rice. Sugar has around 65 grams. Also, the fat is around 5 grams. There are a couple of vitamins and mineral salts in Cholay. Around 100 grams for every kilogram contains around 200 milligrams of calcium. Vitamin An is around 192 micrograms. There are a great deal of vitamins B-1 and B-2. There are magnesium and phosphorus.


The measure of glycemic record of cholera sugar is low, which removes the unstable slant when entering the body. As a result of little measures of numerous absorptions is handled. Its sugars don't go into the blood quickly glucose. Along these lines, cholera diabetics is an astoundingly significant eating regimen for the patient. An extensive part of the gram flour is poly unsaturated fat, which isn't hazardous for the body. Empty the wrinkled check and oust the strands. In case the standard groin plays and if there is a general inside condition, there can not be harmful germs in the gut tunnel.

Due to which there is no hazard of detachment of the entrails being harmful. Reduce its fiber blood fat. Sun arranged imperativeness supply for a long time in the body. It is understood that around 300 grams of calories for each 100 grams are available. Cooking can be cooked as a gram flour. Goshta can in like manner be eaten with gram. Thalara Dalalu haluua is a fun or heavenly sustenance. Playing it, the tyke's creating imperativeness is adequately open. Cholas are eaten well.

They can be eaten without percolating. In any case, eating it with oil spills, it is more astute to eat more rough cabbage. All nearby and remote favorable circumstances are significant.

One of the essential wellsprings of protein, this sustenance is sprinkled with ginger, salt, and stores of imperativeness is found in the body. It is handled after beside no time resulting to eating it as a result of sugar and fat. There is also a standard eating regimen for diabetic patients.

Nutritionists expressed, 'The unrefined gram is so useful for our body that it is ingested water in a particular time and it is cooked in a dish. Playing unrefined granules in a void stomach every day is possible to keep up a vital separation from various disorders. '

I am to taste and in addition to various qualities. Mango isn't just a taste, yet moreover less normal item than any natural item. In addition, various such species like mango are less recognizable in the other. Every sort of american again unprecedented flavors, smell

Rough mango is such a strategy for cooking or cooking, much the same as the sweet mango. There is such a fierceness, to the point that is another name for him

'Energetic' But the sweet natural item isn't only a taste yet moreover fascinating to the taste.

We should examine the superb normal item attributes

Here some benifits of mango

Mango contains cell fortifications that help balance illness. Chest, leukemia, colon and prostate tumor can help maintain a strategic distance from mango There is furthermore a great deal of mixes

♥Mango plays down cholesterol. I have awesome Vitamin C, and moreover fiber. Abatements the levels of appalling cholesterol in the blood.

♥This natural item is moreover useful for solid skin. Helps keep the skin beautiful from inside and outside. Mango cake keeps the skin clean in Rome.

♥Beneficial for mango eye. The human body can give around 25 percent of the vitamin An's ask. Vitamin An is astoundingly productive for eyes. Shield vision and shield from night visual insufficiency.

♥It is available to help in the age of tartaric destructive, malic destructive and citrus separate, which keeps up alkalai or stomach settling agent in the body.

♥I have synthetic concoctions that help to isolate the body's protein particles and help increase preparing.

♥ There are moreover around 25 particular sorts of carotenoids that will keep your resistant structure sound and strong.

♥ When the mango leaf devours in the expend, the chapatis can be mixed with ghee or coconut oil and (wounds).

♥ Due to the stomach weight point knead, the teeth in the tooth are hard to settle, the foil sticks unflinchingly. Tooth teeth tooth brushing and toothache are stopped. Damping torment in the mouth of a mango leaves relieve the misery.

♥The unrefined mango bamboo and dried amlaqi in a little water, keeping the water in the head, the hair is cooked carelessly. Kali mango molasses are used to wash the wetting of the hair and the hair tumble off. Beside this, the mango shells and hariqki are all around estimated, and the pioneer of the head diminishes the scent of the head.

♥ In winter, various people have bring down leg foot. Once the bother grows up, it ends up being hard to scrutinize the blood and move. If these wafers are stacked with the gum before all else times of the surge, the sprinkle does not turn out to be any more and there is no inconvenience in turning it on.

Caffeine is all around cured by eating betel mango foliage (rough mangoes), fairly ginger, a little peepul, a little squash and nectar.

♥Aam bhak is used as a piece of blood the runs. Two tablespoons of bacon press, a little sugar and some deplete joined, playing a few times blood course ends up being awesome. Vermicomposting of mango seeds is diminished to 20/30 granules. When eating mango bark juice, prameha disease is cured. Moreover mango bark and leaves are used as medication for some unique infirmities.

♥ Those who create in kunichak (especially the thumb of the thumb of the toe of the feet), they can discard the distress if they put the fragile gum toward the edges of the nail.

♥Mango is mixed with curry shells and other juice mixed with pee.

♥Due to the poor mango powders, it is more astute to powdered and routinely expect an ordinary part in treating detachment of the entrails.

♥When the smoke of the devoured mango is taken in the mouth, the throat torment is checked and even the hikako is hindered.

♥Mango seeds (BARAAR) are dried and powdered in the wake of eating them for two or three days, the treatment of women is completely facilitated.


Lemon is a useful natural item. In like manner, the trees and distinctive parts of the tree are in like manner uncommonly helpful. It contains a considerable measure of remedial properties. So we ought to use it truly.



So this was my iftar dish and its restorative quality. I believe you like it 😊😊

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