Fitness Tips #2: What to Eat Before and After Workout

in #food8 years ago (edited)

Hello Guys

Ready for workout? Well, not before you eat something and fuel up the right way!

Already the old phrase in fitness is that 70-80% of success depends on the diet. It is not only important how much we eat, but also what and when we eat. In fact, exercise is the easiest part, and that means a week for about an hour, hour and a half. Progress usually stops due to poor diet and lack of quantitative rest and good rest, which actually requires 24-hour attention.

If you now ask someone who is familiar with the bodybuilding and fitness what are most important meals from the viewpoint of bodybuilding, most would answer - breakfast and meal after training. In fact there is some truth, however, we must not forget the importance of meals and before training. In this article we will talk about eating before and after workouts.

Meals Before Training

Meal before training helps you for have more power and strenght on training. If you eat right before training, you could be more effectivel and lift harder, what results with more and better resluts.
It also helps you to keep focus.

What to Eat Before Training

Meal before training first of all need to contain "slow carbs", thats to food with low glycemic index.
The best carbohydrates such that is oatmeal, sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole-grain bread...

Proteins - meal before training must contain proteins too!
You can eat meat, eggs, low-fat cheese...

But it's not necessary to eat a lot before training. For about 50-60 grams of proteins and 40-50 grams of carbs would be enough. You definitely dont want to overeat before training!

Meals After Training

After the training there is a period of two hours, which is of crucial importance for maximum regeneration and progress.
After training the muscles are like a sponge, just soak up nutrients so it is very important what and how much to eat in the two hours. In my opinion, in the two hours necessary to eat two meals.

Ater the training we have exhaused stocks of glycogen and we need to replace it as soon as possible.
Glycogen is stored carbohydrates (muscle and liver). It is a fuel for muscle. If there is not enough gycogen, muscle functioning is not optimal.

How many carbs to take after workout?
Well, it depends on your goals. If your goal is to gain some weight and muscles, you can take for about 40-50 grams of protein right after the workout.
If your goal is to loss fat - take 20 grams.

The best solution for meal right after workout is to drink protein shake with dextrose, or maltodextrin.
Put 50 grams of protein and 50 grams of dextrose and thats it!
Then, after 1 hout when you come home eat another meal. For example - white rice and chicken breast would be ideal!

So, shortly:

-before training eat slow carbs with proteins 50/50.
-eat atleast 1 hour before training
-while you train, drink water.
-right after training drink protein shake with fast source of carbs.
-eat another meal 1 hour after protein shake.

Thanks for reading, you can follow me here for more interesting articles: @luka.skubonja


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