Epic Food Journey Through Latin America: Arepas and the Migration of Venezuelans

in #food7 years ago

Nobody ever says,
"I can't wait to get to Panama for some of that
great Panamanian food."

It sounds funny to even think about.

However, since the violence in Venezuela has kicked up
into being the third highest in the world for
homicide deaths so many of the people
have found refuge in Panama and they are making their
imprint on the Panama culture.

When I was in Panama in 2014
I had never heard of Arepas.

Now, they are almost part of at least one meal each day.
I have even made them myself.
The Arepa flour is sold in almost
every store and is always inexpensive.

The simplest process is to only add water and mix.
The dough is ready when it holds shape.

It is then flattened into cakes of
whatever size you like.

They are cooked slowly until they are
golden brown and crispy on each side.

Arepas are very versatile.

They are often sliced through the middle to
make a sandwich.

Sometimes they are sliced open like a pocket or
for an open faced sandwich.

I enjoyed experimenting with the basic water and flour
recipe by adding some milk, sea salt, garlic powder and coconut oil

I've even started fantasizing about starting a table of
street food selling Arepas with a variety of ingredients
and toppings as I have learned there is
no limit to what you can do with an Arepa.

Most Central American food, in my experience,
lacks seasoning and flavor.

My mind is stirring with ideas on how to take this great
grilled corn flavor and create a gazillion of options and possibilities.

Take a look at my intro blog
Let Me Tell You What a Badass I AM

For more of my exciting and unfolding story click here
Love's Epic Journey Through Latin America: Panama and my Street Art


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Thanks... Now I'm hungry! ;-) Is there something different about the flour? Is traditional red and white hard wheat not able to grow there?

You can choose from white or yellow corn meal but this cornmeal is super fine. More powdery than the cornmeal you would use for cornbread.

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