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RE: Cooking, Prepare chicken with potatoes ENG-SRB

in #food6 years ago

Looks delicious! If you want to add to the ramen I recommend using thin sliced tomatoes or meat as it adds an extra detail :)



To agree with you that you need to insert something more like decoration or food, but my family chooses a lot in terms of ingredients and salads. For example, Somebody will not parade and the other kid will not have bread, and his wife will not bake (does not eat fat) and the third child is elected.
Now I have to scour everyone and adjust the food to everyone and make a meal that everyone will love to eat. I hope you understand what I mean.
Soon I will make the right meal, the way it really really should turn out in the end, no matter who he likes in my family. I cook a meal for the exhibition, ie. for steemitovce.
I think I will make seafood in a yellow sauce or in a saucepan, salad will be-algae in soy sauce and some more. I will explain everything about what I did and take photographs.

Da slažem se sa vama da treba ubaciti nešto više kao ukras ili u jelo, ali moja porodica mnogo bira što se tiče sastojaka i salate. Recimo, Neko neće paradaiz a drugo dete neće hleb, a supruga neće slaninu (ne jede masno) a trece dete izvoljeva.
Ja sada moram izvagati svima i prilagoditi hranu svima a da napravim jedno jelo koje će svi rado jesti. Nadam se da me razumete šta želim reći.
Uskoro ću praviti pravo jelo, onako kako zapravo zaista treba ispasti na kraju, bez obzira ko šta voli u mojoj porodici. Kuvam jelo za izložbu tj. za steemitovce.
Mislim da ću praviti morske plodove u žutom sosu ili u sosu od ostruga, salata će biti-alge u soja sosu i još ponešto. Sve ću objasniti kako sam šta pravio i beležiću fotografijama.

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