in #food7 years ago

I love how the joy and wonder of a child is infectious!

Is is interesting that as we grow, often we grow out of a certain level of amazement and wonder. I'm not sure why it happens, and it certainly does not happen the same for all people, but, I think that one some level, most of us can testify that somehow life gets "less special," or at least the simple things do.

Then, for some of us, we have children. At that point it is almost as if we can hit the reset button, and get that amazing perspective once again, if we allow ourselves too. Perhaps the same thing happens once again for grandparents.

Recently, Monster Truck the Pepper and @papa-pepper stopped by an apple tree. When we are able to, this is an experience that we love to share with our children. In the modern "GO GREEN" movement loving trees just for the sake of loving trees is a little lacking in my opinion, and it is better to actually look at a tree, touch it, climb it, pick a fruit from it, or do something tangible rather than just loving the general concept of a tree.

Of course @papa-pepper can grab the fruit and hand it to the @little-peppers, but things are more special when they can experience it for themselves, hence, Monster Truck began his climb.

It is amazing how many apples can grow in one tree. Sometimes, we have even seen trees break under the weight of their own produce. We will be planting many fruit trees, but we will also be pruning them to keep them healthy and producing, so hopefully none of ours fall apart just because they produced fruit.

A fresh hand-picked apple straight from the tree is an experience that we wish more people got to take advantage of. All we can do is enjoy it for ourselves and encourage others to do likewise.

Can you spell ORGANIC? Just kidding. Lot's of apples do not exactly look like the ones at the store, and various bugs and diseases can take their toll too.

Even the fallen apples, rotten or not, have a purpose for us. The wild animals like deer certainly enjoy them, but they are not the only ones.

Our pigs will gladly eat any apples that fell from the tree.

It is just another that we can use what would otherwise be discarded, and a chance to enjoy interacting with another inhabitant of this planet as well.

There is something very special about all of this, and the children know it. By spending time with them, we can enjoy in a simpler, more amazing way too.


This amazing @little-peppers logo was generously provided by @rigaronib.


So cute as always!can i have some fresh apples @little-pepper?😊

Meep 😊

I wish i can plant apple tress here in my country..as im starting my homesteading for a jobless man..but it's impossible because of our weather here..thanks @papa-pepper

Wish I could grow apples, heck I can barely get a peach tree to stay growing, but I got grapes!!

At least I could still recognize it as a peach tree!

So agree. Kids need to climb trees and harvest the apples they want to eat. Do you know of the book/movie the holistic orchard? You might enjoy it and use some of the tips when you are planning your orchard.

Interesting, but we are unfamiliar with it.

As grandparents we definitely got the same joy as you are having with the little peppers.

Good to hear!

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