Arby's Meat Mountain: "Secret Menu" Advertisement vs RealitysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #food8 years ago

  Arby’s is a guilty pleasure, kind of like Yoshinoya. Having a muse with esoteric elements of secret restaurant menus, I went into an Arby’s to inquire about the secret of the Meat Mountain (all the meat the restaurant served under one bun) only to be confronted with a prominent store display that informing me that the “secret” was for sale.  

Did Arby’s just commit an act of espionage against itself or was the whole idea of the Meat Mountain a brain child of a summer intern at their corporate headquarters. Not really giving a rat’s ass I ordered one at $9.00 and I was supremely underwhelmed.  

Conclusion: Steemit community save your Bitcoins for another menu choice that isn’t so gimmicky...say TWO regularly priced sandwiches for instance? Or Patronage to the In-N-Out Burger that shares the same parking lot in Temecula, California?    

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