A new food craze

in #food7 years ago


Prepare yourselves

The new fad in cuisine is canned seafood!

That's right, celebrated Las Vegas Chef, Rick Moonen is even going so far as to be brining a can (opened of course), right to your table, right there on your linen tablecloth.

For his newest menu he is serving appetizers consisting of; sardines and anchovies, imported from Spain and Portugal. These arrive in the opened can either in extra virgin olive oil or other gourmet sauces accompanied by toast points.

He is also serving them as part of other exotic dishes like Boquerones (this is marinated anchovies topped with olive tapenade and spinach, on top of grilled bread.

His reasoning is that by just thinking of the larger fish species, we miss huge nutritional potential. A can of sardines as example contain 1200 grams of omega 3 fatty acids, bringing great nutritional and health benefits.

He says that by concentrating only on the larger fish instead of their source of energy (the smaller fish), you circumvent a more prime food source.

Canned gourmet fish is common in Europe and Asia, but not really in the US. Bringing it in the can right to your plate, is what "can" start a new food craze.

His hope is that these canned primary food sources can become as coveted as caviar.


Rick Moonen Is the chef at Mandalay Resorts "RX Boiler Room" Restaraunt.

Prepare Yourselves More...

I write this article today not to tout a new cuisine, or fad, but to bring old ways back to light.

Our parents and grandparents always had a pantry... today we call it preps. It is every bit as important today as through all of written history.

Canned fish is an incredible store food that lasts years. The only thing that may last longer in storage is spam, however it is arguable as to its actual food content (and Twinkes the indestructible thing folks eat).

So as we approach the financial collapse, start stocking up on canned fish now... before these chefs get its price up to caviar levels!!!!


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credits: cheseakyle, lasvegasweekly


Not sure if I've be happy with the actual can on my table... I've had canned fish before and it isn't bad, well if you like fish. It is nice that someone is promoting the nutritional value of types of fish that people in America don't typically. United States could stand to get healthier as a country.

I do agree it is something being brought back and it'll will most likely be accepted by a lot of people. It is unfortunate that many people will just follow the health craze instead of really researching themselves how be healthy. If people would take the time to learn I think overall we would be much better off.

The health of the country is changing as is the health movement. I see this as just old ways being repackaged that will then again be accepted.

They are rich in unsaturated acids and calcium. Approved.

Nice pic!

Wow is this new in America?

The rest of the world has been eating canned sardines since 1795 (really!)

We always keep a pile of these ones along with the salmon and tuna for quick snacks - note - spring water, no dodgy soy oil

As long as the lining is BPA Free then that should be healthy. I love sardines!

I believe it is now, but in a good storage situation I would not care as much, food would be worth the price.

Not sure about a can on the dinner table,but thanks for the reminder of quick meals. I know what i will be having for lunch next week sardines salad, one day sardine sandwich, just need 3 more meals for the week.

I use them occasionally straight from the can... the taste works for me and I get to rotate my supply.

That's interesting.. I've read that canned food isn't the best for our health, because it gets contaminated with mercury. Thank you for sharing it! :)

Unless we grow it ourselves we just never know. I have a friend that grows organically but he always says it's as organic as he can make it. With the atmospheric poisons everything including organic has something.

It's possible you might have meant 1200 mg of omega 3 fatty acids, unless your sardine cans are much larger than mine.

Yes I did 1200 grams maybe an overdose, thanks for the catch.

Just looking out. Enjoy.

Lol! Never seen this though and we have eaten in many gourmet restaurants across Europe and Asia.

Myself as well and I never got a can... but the fish for sure... I believe this is just a gimmick... you know Las Vegas style show.

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