What Are You Doing Tonight?

in #food7 years ago


How about a little bit of champagne this evening :)

It isn't every Saturday that I have a drink, or is it?

Anyway, I like champagne and I like little snacks like berries, nuts and cheese. When it comes to having a drink I cannot just have one, for me it is a ritual that requires some foods.


Today I have some brie, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, dark chocolate and almonds. Whoa! Sounds like that's quite a bit of food, that's okay, I can eat it.
Normally I'd also add some fresh Mozzarella balls to the plate and wild flower honey, but I'm out of both pouts.


Ha! Lena is also into that platter. When she was a baby kitty she liked to lick watermelon bits and tried to chew on them, she doesn't do that anymore.


I hope you guys have a fantastic weekend! I'm gonna go pop this bottle of champagne open right now, cheers!


cool bird

I didnt see a bird in this post. It looks like you live a rich laid back life and have a beautiful little kitten companion.

I have a cat of the same breed as in this gif you posted. Nice!

Bird? I'm confused.

So many spammy comments galore, I am lost with some of the comments these days also sister


What can you do?:! Haha

Вы из России? Приятно видеть людей из СНГ. По вашему посту хочу сказать, что передает романтику , простоту и уют - лучшая комбинация для вечера субботы. Вы заслуживаете своим творчество всех голосов в ваш адрес. С удовольствием присоединяюсь к последователям.

You are from Russia? It's nice to see people from the CIS. At your post I want to say that it conveys romance, simplicity and comfort - the best combination for the Saturday evening. You deserve your creativity of all the voices in your address. I am pleased to join the followers.

О, благодарю! Я вообще-то из Крыма, поэтому можете говорить что из Украины или России, как вам больше по душе, но я живу в штатах.
Да у нас здесь есть небольшое СНГ сообщество в основном все, кто здесь также еще пишут на Голосе :)

Приятно будет с вами общаться. Представлюсь Меня зовут Дмитрий, живу в Украине, Днепре. Можно стать частью сообщества СНГ?

Очень взаимно, Дмитрий, а меня зовут Аня. Под сообществом я имела в виду, что здесь вообще есть немало людей из СНГ, а не определенная группа, в которую кто-то вступает. Есть клон Стимита называется Голос, вы, наверное, в курсе, там все на русском пишут.

Awesome way to wind down on a Saturday!

Exactly! I just wish it was a little chiller outside haha

Wine, sweets, fruit, weekend, cat, cozy weekend time

Pretty much! I hope your weekend is going good so far :)

I'm jealous

If I could I'd share some!

Hey, which Matt is this guy now LOL!!!!!

It isn't this one!

Hey!! Urgent for your Matt!!!

Something told me to sign back in online and check Poloniex. 3 weeks later my SBD coins JUST literally showed up now!!! Check your acct asap and see if yours showed up and get them outta there!!!

Thank you, friend! I think he's online right now.

I will send this to him too just now in a minute but can you advise him of this, along the same lines as a week ago.....

Here is my latest example of trying to help, related to past Poloniex help/warnings, would really appreciate a vote on this. --


He's actually asleep right now, can you message him privately with the info you want to share?

Great pictures. I got to catch up the champagne let's party begin.

Exactly! This particular kind is pretty good, I like it. Not trying to advertise it at all, but it is one of the best I've had!

That's cool I love that

Uhhh, tonight well i was planning on sleeping and doing nothing, god i hate my weekends, maybe gimme that awesome cat and i'll feel better!

Hahaha, awesome pictures kottur, that cat really is a big cutie.

Thank you! It's a Scottish Fold from Russia!
Sleeping and doing nothing sounds pretty good if you had a busy week!

Sleeping is always a great thing usually haha.

I can relate to that!

Quisiera tomar ese Martini y ademas cuidar el pastel del gato..!!! @gaborey07

I do not understand :(

I love doing dinners and snacks this way- just put together a platter with all good things. And the champagne doesn't hurt. And also the requisite kitty gif. Strike a pose :)

Can't escape these cats anywhere! This one though is really into cheese. she ALWAYS smells it and comes over haha.
You should post your platters sometime too, I'd like to see!

It's so funny what their favorites are- I had a cat once named Hefner who loved bacon and yogurt. Like obsessively. Will do!

Bacon?! This one I haven't heard of before! My cats also like yogurt and kefir weirdos haha

That is so great, I am loving your posts.

I got my last post of the day up a few mins ago and came to see what you and The Matt are doing.

I actually named you in a post earlier in the day!!!!! If you get a chance have a look, see if you can tell down my blog which one is was!!!!!!


Have a good night with the #FartyCat - your wit and charm, and @matt-a

Hey -- if @matt-a does not work out, do you have a @matt-b / plan B?


Have a great night and good Sunday over there.

OH MY GOD HAHAHA! This is hilarious what you said about matt-b! cracking me up so bad!!! that's a good one!
I shall check your post out here in a minute. It sucks we don't get notified when we are mentioned by someone, they have this feature on Golos, pretty convenient.
I hope you have a great Saturday and following Sunday too! All days are better in summer :)

I love hearing from both of you guys.

I was quite pleased with my Matt/Plan B comment, I think you both are great.

I do not usually joke about the sanctity of marriage, it is something I have prayed for, for many years now, it is the cornerstone of a community and humanity in many respects.

But I also think Jesus had a sense of humour.


I thought what you said was super funny haha and if anyone else thinks otherwise they need to get a sense of humor haha

I am not sure what all you and The Matt are using but.....

If you have a JAXX wallet or thinking of it, or know people with one etc -- you will want to check the post up on my page just now. It is pretty huge news and there is nobody talking about this considering the market share they have and names involved....

Talk to you soon, it is nice hearing from you anytime. I would let @matt-a know about this post/news too. It is pretty big news and affects a lot of people.

I've never heard about jaxx before, but thanks for letting me know! Hope you have a nice evening! I'm just chilling with my cats outside, it got a little cooler out , finally:)

I sleep in a hammock outside like 200 nights a year, there is some weird creature noise back there some nights, NOT cats LOL.

You should put a camera out in case if the creature shows itself

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