Kiwi Strawberry Cheesecake

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Today I would like to share another original recipe with you guys. As many of you know I do not bake often, the good thing is that I didn't have to bake this little delight either :).

Sometimes I end up with a lot of fruit and/or berries around that I don't know what to do with. Usually I just eat them raw by themselves, this time I decided to put them to work and create something pretty.

So this recipe is super easy, the hardest part is waiting for it to sorta harden in the freezer, since there's a berry smoothie involved in the mix, I strongly recommend you keep it in the freezer until it's gone, or else it is going to become mushy and melt.

Let's do this!

Kiwi Strawberry Cheesecake

Ingredients for the crust:

  • 4 table spoons rolled oats;
  • 4 tablespoons walnuts;
  • ~ 20 g butter or coconut oil;


Place the oats and walnuts on a baking sheet and toast them in the oven at 350F for about 10 minutes. Once they are nice and done, move them into your blender or food processor, add in the butter and pulse.

Let the crust mixture chill in the fridge for about 10-15 minutes, take it out and form your crust in a spring pan, or any other flat pan you have, put it back in the fridge.

Ingredients for the cheesecake filling:

  • 4-5 strawberries diced;
  • 1-2 kiwis diced;
  • 8 oz cream cheese;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream.


Place the berries in your blender and process into a smoothie like mix. Set aside. Also process cream cheese, sour cream and sugar, add in the berry mixture and process again.
Sometimes people use gelatin to make it firm, however I plan on storing my cheesecake in the freezer, it's also a tiny one, it will be gone in no time, so I'm not going to use any other additives.

Pour the cheesecake filling into the pan and freeze for 4-6 hours or overnight. Once it's chilled it tastes a lot like frozen yogurt and is so good to enjoy one of these hot summer days.

Oh yeah, fresh blueberries make a delicious decoration :)

I recommend you guys try it if it is something you fancy! Feedback, tips and whatnot are greatly appreciated!

Have a good one, enjoy a little more of these pictures!

Foot-Foot says HEY!


Beautiful photos @kotturinn. I really apperciate the effort you put in to style the food to get the best shot. Makes for an incredible post. I imagine the cheesecake is even tastier than the photos though! Great work.

Thank you very much @myday! I like to make food look pleasing to the eye, hopefully I can get better at it too! :) have an awesome weekend!

Well if you get better that would be hard! You are already that good @kotturinn - followed!

Thank you for being so nice! I'm gonna try my very best! :)
Followed you back!

Awww thanks!

The kiwi is a unique choice, sounds so good. Your cheesecake is so beautiful, I would hate to mess it up by eating it!

Yeah, I thought it it might be weird with kiwi in it but surprisingly it turned out so well! Will definitely make it again!
Thank you :)

Outstanding photography as always! I might do this on a graham cracker crust. I cant do without a graham cracker crust lol!

Thank you! I like graham crackers, but I never have them around, I think there was just one time I actually bought some around 2 years ago! haha
It's a pretty good and easy summer dessert! I think you'd like it!

Yummy chesscake... upvote and reesteemed

Nice :) thank you very much!

So the moral of the story is that foot-foot wants some cake-cake :D

Great job! It looks amazing!

Actually she was just walking by, I had to scratch the crate to get her attention haha

i was good until the toasting of the walnuts and oats, i dont have a baking shit.... lol

You can skip that step!

Eric is just being a jerk! lol There is a typo where you talk about that step. It says baking shit instead of baking dish. =P

HAHAHA i was gonna say sheet!

sheet, shit, its all the same right?

Well, to me it is, I can't tell the difference when I hear those words! hahaha

Lol it's all good. We know what you meant. it all looks great too!

Thanks! I tried! Even had to go get those roses across the street haha

The pictures are absolutely beautiful! resteem

So kind :)
Thank you!

Looks wonderful!I've Upvoted for sure. happy to meet you in this big family.
looking forward to your next post.
You can follow my food blog to know more about me @fatkid

Nice to meet you too, @fatkid! Thank you for the kind words :)

I haven't tried a dessert with kiwi, but it's on my list now.

I hope you like it!

Something healthy and yammy :) thank for posting it .

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