If you are what you eat, I'd like to be an Oreo.

in #food7 years ago

You are what you eat. We've all heard it before. Considering I am now in my 30's, I actually take that statment more seriously ;)

Now, I am not a doctor, not a dietician, not a personal trainer, not a circus clown.. but I do know how different foods effect my body, mind and overall well-being. In the beginning, I took a couple of weeks to cut out naughty foods and drinks - aka processed, sugary junk food and anything that resembled a good time. Wasn't easy, but the benefits were noticeable. Less headaches, better sleep, more energy, de-bloating and I even shed a few pounds. (Hoooray).

So the evidence is there. Now the follow thru is the hardest part! I love treats, and I missed them. So naturally, I added them back in moderation.. (laughing as I type that...). There are days/weeks when I fall off the wagon, hard. But I always jump back on at some point and maintain the balance of wholesome, natural foods. It's totally worth it.

I initially started taking photos of food I was eating, just so I could remember and eat them again. Then I quickly realized I liked taking these pics, editing them and sharing with friends. So I'm going to share a few here...

Eat the rainbow, my friends 🌈

P.s. I love Oreos.

P.p.s. I will be re-joining a gym soon.

Cheers xo.









And because there is always room for homemade treats...

Final note: If you like these photos and things alike... I have more!


It's easy to argue with people about "diets" or "nutrition," but when I simply say "I like to eat real food"....it's hard to argue with that. Looks like you enjoy real food too!

🙌🏻 yes! A lot of people have asked me why I'm "on a diet", and my response is typically... "not a diet, I just like real food"

Its so crazy that people question me when I eat "real food" only. They want to know if I'm vegan - real, whole avocados at lunch time and people start thinking you're extreme 😂😂 eat on!

avocado is one of my best friends... even being so time sensitive in terms of readiness. ✌🏼 Nom Nom.

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