The Ingredients : Coffee

in #food6 years ago (edited)


Most of people love drink coffee. Whether it's for early morning beverage after breakfast or to keep awake in during the day and night. Due to caffeine contain within the coffee itself act as a "stay alert" content for our brain. Coffee is a cultural drink that have many different taste, and color. Also a great for social life as it's a companions drink choice while we get along with friends or just enjoy the surounding.


  • Strict selection fruits of the coffea plant itself, separation between the low quality fruits --is it damaged? is it being infected by parasite/disease? is it still unripe?? -- and a good quality - not damaged, infected, dirty and ripe..

  • Separation the flesh of the fruit and the bean, then let the coffee bean ferment in clean water around 16-34 hours in order to remove the slimmy surface around the coffee bean.

  • After the fermentation, let the coffee beans dried under the sun for a day, after doing so, remove the light skin layer around the coffee bean itself.

  • Roast the bean, roasting can be done in so many way ; could be oven, stainless steel pan, pop corn machine, micro wave.. keep in mind the roasting method is not recommended or should i say it's take more precaution if roasting heat came from the bottom as it's made uneven roasted level for the bean itself. the temperature is between 180 - 200 celcius ((356 – 401 farenheit ) until it reach the desired level you want. complete detail in this link -

  • After you roast a bean and get a color that you like. you can start grind the coffee with coffee machine grinder, mortar and pestle, blender even hammer. this stage you can select the how fine the coffee was grind whether it's coarse or to fine. the more Coarse the coffee resulting more less flavor extracted and more finer you grind the coffee more flavor yet the bitterness of the coffee itself and prone to humidity level/ shelf life.

  • after you done all the step, get ready your glass, take 2 table spoon of coffee you prepare and pour a hot water and enjoy your coffee..



    Arabica is a majority people in the world would like to drink due to it's pleasant flavor like chocolate,fruit, nuts and -not so bitter- or soft taste coffee. it also contain less caffeine . Arabica originated in the Ethiopia and middle east.
    According to, 1 kg robusta = 1.85 US dollar compared to 1kg arabica = 2.94 US dollar in 2019. it's more expensive compare to robusta coffea because it's require a delicate care in order to harvest arabica bean due it's prone to pest, disease and weather. the largest producer of the Arabica coffee is from Brazil, estimated around 3 million metric ton a year.

    Roubta is a coffee that not so many people prefer due to strong taste of bitterness because of the higher caffeine level in it. originated from Africa and Indonesia. The robusta's bean is around 2.2- 2.7% caffeine, and the arabica bean is around 1.2 – 1.5%. because of the higher caffeine content is one of the things that makes the robusta coffee plant less susceptible to pests and disease. Robusta, mainly used as primary ingredient in instant coffee, espresso, and as a filler in ground coffee blends. United States Department of Agriculture, The highest producer of robusta in the world is Vietnam, produced estimated 29 milion metric ton/year.


Source of articles and photos : (wikihow) (homegrounds) (coffeeteawarehouse) (roastycoffee) (caswellscoffee) ( (azcentral) (bbcgoodfood) (indexmundi) (investopedia) (sweetmarias)

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