Breakfast - Cereal

in #food7 years ago

Breakfast this morning

I have been told by the other half that I am strange, one of the reasons she gives is how I eat my cereal.

Now I have never been one to blindly copy what other people do, especially if the only reason given is that is how it has always been done. That might be ok for other people but I will do what I think is best for me.

So how does this relate to the consumption of cereal in the mornings, i.e. breakfast? Easy I don't use cows milk! You might be thinking soy milk isn't that strange, guess again. Almond milk? Nope, I put juice on my cereal, sometimes Apple, or Orange, or Black-current, it just depends on what is in the house. Don't believe me, below is cereal with Orange juice.

Don't knock it if you haven't tried it. I do like it. I know I am unique in some ways, and proud to be so. Who else wants to join me in putting juice on their cereal?


Very, at least I think so.

Haven't tried juice in my cereal before. But I'd think apple juice would be quite fitting!

The word "Breakfast" alone in your post caught my attention, because I just now, before I headed home, I told my grandma prior to putting her to bed, "I'm going to take you to breakfast tomorrow!"

She had a big big smile on her face.

Mom yelled across the room, "Don't get so excited that you get all sleepless on me! I will wake you up tomorrow for breakfast!"

Breakfast is the most important meal in the day and family is the most important in the world. Why not have both!

That quick reminder of tonight just put a smile on my face, thank you @jeff001. Going to blog this so it stays in my blog forever.. :D

Agree Apple juice is better than Orange juice.

I am happy that I have put a smile on your face.

ha ha cant say that I have heard of anyone doing that before . I reckon you would get extra vitimins and all though I might try it someday ... might.

I have been known to do things out of left field so to speak.Don't know how much "vitamins" are really in juice. I like it, not everyone that has tried it does. Try it you might be surprised.

It all goes into the same stomach so I get it. I won't knock it. But do I really have to try it? Sigh

No don't have to, just don't dismiss it off hand.

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