My First Food Post

in #food8 years ago (edited)

Well here goes nothing that may turn into something.
This is my first food post which is hard for me to believe since I'm a food connesuer of sorts. Now I know it won't be as good as let's say a @gringalicious food post but in time who knows cause I just LOVE FOOD <3 <3!!!!!!!
Was that to much emphasis on that? Cause I think it wasn't enough haha then again there's never enough when it comes to food and being a connesuer of it.

So let's get started I found this video a few weeks back
Online with a recipe for bacon, egg & cheese cups.
Now I know your thinking cups like huh? But these are magnificent little individual morsels.

To start you must of course have bacon, eggs , cheese, bread and a muffin tin to cook them in. And since there is such a wide variety of all these ingredients the possibilities of this recipe can be endless. So use what you like or go all out and experiment which is what I have been doing with these.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
By the time you get cups filled your oven
should be preheated.

First you will have to cut a piece of bread to fit into the bottom of your muffin tin like so. This is very important as they keep them together once cooked. Also grease tin so they don't stick even if your using non stick cookware just to be safe. Otherwise you WILL have a broken apart mess trying to extract them after done.

Next fry your bacon just enough so it is still soft and can wrap around inside of cup on top of the bread. It will finish cooking in oven.
Once that is done add your egg and cheese of your choice and some seasoning I usually just use salt & pepper.
Thinking about it now after writing pepper some small chunks of red, green, or yellow pepper could be delicious in these as well which I will now try next time.

Anyhow your cups should now look something like this.

Once the oven is preheated put them in for 20 minutes
The bacon will be cooked fully and the egg yolk will be solid. If you like your eggs more yolky and gooey leave them in for only 15 minutes.

And here's the end result pure deliciousness!

Hope everyone enjoys this tutorial & recipe.
If you try it out let me know how it came out and any other secret ingredients you use to spice it up ;)

If you enjoyed this post up vote it and comment your thoughts. And follow me fore more food journeys cause this is my first however I feel it won't be my last :)

Steem on!


Gorgeous food post, really I wouldn't change a thing. Thanks so much for the mention. I am resteeming this post. STEEM ON!

And thank you :)

I am feeling hungry now.

Haha glad you liked the post.
Do try it tho !

It looks so delicious. Nicely done.

Thank you!
Steem on!

I love your first food post and look forward to many more. I actually love having these once and awhile as they are so tasty!

Thank you!
Steem on!

my type of food on a Sunday morning with a cuppa...not forgetting the ketchup!! sorry its the Brit in me...
great post - following

Haha thanks .. I might try the ketchup one time.
Glad you enjoyed :)

Definitely looks good, congrats!

Thank you!
Steem on!

This is absolutely grand!

wow I love bacon and egg for breakfast <3

This recipe makes me want to rethink going vegetarian. Thanks for the post.

Haha bacon alone would make it hard.
Glad you enjoyed!

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