in #food7 years ago (edited)

This year was my first attempt at growing potatoes in my veggie garden. After a long hot Summer, I was rewarded with a modest amount of little fingerling and purple potatoes.

I ended up with just enough purple potatoes to make a big batch of purple potato gnocchi, and served it with green beans, mushrooms, and cherry tomatoes in pesto sauce.

Here are the potatoes, along with some beet and kohlrabi buddies, straight out of the garden and still covered in fresh dirt.

All cleaned up, with a fresh cut, these purple potatoes were ready to be boiled for the gnocchi.

After they were cooked through, a potato masher did quick work in getting the potatoes in shape for the gnocchi dough.

To make the gnocchi, I combined the mashed purple potatoes, ricotta cheese, all purpose flour, salt, and a couple of eggs. I kneaded the dough and let it rest for about 30 minutes, and then rolled out long snakes and cut them with a knife into the classic gnocchi shape.

I cooked up a mix of green beans, tomatoes, and mushrooms in olive oil while the gnocchi was cooking in a pot of salted boiling water.

Once the gnocchi were floating on the surface of the boiling water, I added them to the pan with the veggies and tossed everything with pesto.

Topped with grated manchego cheese, this purple gnocchi was ready to be devoured!

I'll definitely try to grow potatoes again next year, and hopefully I'll get enough to make many more gnocchi dishes!

I hope you've enjoyed this recipe, and I'd love to hear your thoughts!

final maybe.jpg

All content and images by @jaymorebeet, taken on August 13, 2017 with a Canon 7D Mark II.


What in the world?! This looks crazy, but also tasty! I've had purple potatoes once, they were actually the same as white ones haha

Wow! I've never seen purple 💜 potatoes before, what do they taste like?

Must be super rewarding to harvest those babies! 💜

Essentially they taste just like white potatoes! Do you wish they tasted like something else special? I can tell you they taste like unicorns :) hehehe

ahhhahhaha! that is hilarious :)

Just bought a bag of purple potatoes from Lidl..wishing that they tasted like unicorns, but I've had them before, so I know I'll be disappointed =P

Looks stunning and delicious, absolutely glorious!

Thanks @gugis!! It was a gooood dinner :)

that is a first for me, haven't seen purple gnocchi before i have! lol

Happy to share it with you - now let's all search for rainbow gnocchi.

We don't have purple potatoes here. So learned something new.

They aren't very common around my part of the US, but you can find them at local markets and from other small operations. Grocery stores don't generally sell them.

Wow, does THAT look tasty. So very creative. I had store bought gnocchi's for a camping trip, never thought about making my own. (Plus, I ate waaay too many of them, they aren't exactly light fare...think I needed more of your vegetables to go along with.) They definitely would have been more fun if they were purple.

Thanks for sharing another of your phenomenal dish's with us. Time to go eat lunch now !!!!!

Thanks @ddschteinn. I agree, you can't eat too much gnocchi without turning into a big gnocchi yourself. Did you prepare them over the campfire?? I love camping food. And camping.

Think I boiled them and then added some sauce and veggies. I'm not exactly a gourmet in the kitchen, so out in the wilds is even less fancy. Then again, as you say, when camping, all food tastes phenomenally great. Especially if hiking hard in the woods, backpacking, etc. Out there, even a dirt-clod weed casserole tastes pretty good by nightfall.

Super cool! May I link this article and feature your username @jaymorebeet in the next issue of the Weekly Homesteading Newsletter? Let me know as soon as possible! Thanks!

Yes that would be lovely! Thanks so much @kiaraantonoviche :)

Hey there! I just wanted to inform you that this article has been featured in the most recent Weekly Homesteading Newsletter! Please check it out if you are interested! Thank you and have a great Sunday!

Looks great as usual. When are you going to open the restaurant? Where? Need to know! 🐓🐓

Hahah! You crack me up. You'll be the first to know ;)

It's so awesome that you just reaped purple potatoes from your garden, just like that!!! =DD Wish I could join you at your table right now =)

Having made gnocchi for the first time recently, I'm just marvelling at how delicious and textured these simple looking nuggets must be!!

Once time I've seen gnocchi from beetroot, but I didn't try them. It's a shame, because they looked splendidly! You made awesome photos of yours gnocchi! Big applause for you! :)

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