A Handsome Braided Roasted Garlic and Herb Potato Bread

in #food7 years ago

This bread packs so much flavor in each bite - it's got mashed potatoes incorporated into the dough, along with roasted garlic and fresh rosemary, chives, basil, and oregano.



Here's a haiku that I think captures the essence of this loaf of bread:

Mashed potatoes, herbs
Roasted garlic in one loaf
Braided perfection

It's great for toast, sandwiches, or dunking in soup. Really there is so much flavor in this bread that it's more than just a vehicle for other things.


I adapted Peter Reinhart's recipe for potato bread, using all purpose flour in place of bread flour, doubling the amount of mashed potatoes, increasing the amount of garlic and herbs, and leaving out the black pepper. I also increased the recipe by 50%, making 1.5 times the amount of bread that is called for in the recipe (it's a big loaf).

The bread starts with biga which is a mixture of flour, water, and yeast that is refgerated overnight and cut into pieces before being added to the bulk of the flour, water, yeast, mashed potatoes, salt, and herbs for the loaf.


Once the dough is formed, it rises until doubled in size, for about 2 hours.


Then, instead of making standard loaves, I opted to make one large braided loaf.




The entire braided loaf needed to proof (second rise) on the counter for about an hour.



Then, into the oven at 400°F for about 1 hour, and it was ready to go!


This beauty queen looks so nice in monochrome.



Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this post, please do check out my blog.

All content and images by @jaymorebeet, taken on August 23, 2017 with a Canon 7D Mark II.


This is beautiful, it deserves nothing less than 100%.

Thanks @healthyrecipe. Don't you hate/love it when you make food and feel bad for cutting it and destroying it's beauty!? (For like 1 second, then I dig in :) )

Thats why we have the modern marvel of digital photography. So we dont feel so bad. 😂😂😂

So true!!!! Now I am picturing people making photo albums and scrap books of their prized beautiful meals hahah

Wow that sure does look handsome. Wish I had some of that for my french onion soup last night! Looks delicious

Ah french onion soup is the best! And me with this bread but no soup! Next time we ought to prepare!

Wow, i like this kind of bread especially with grilled 🍗 chicken, it looks so soft my friend, i will try to do it.

Yeah you've got the right idea @creativewoman! A panini on this bread is perfect!

Wooow It looks awesome!!! It really has mashed potatos in it?? First time I see this!! who had this firs time idea?? It's like putting..i don't know...it's weird!!!
I would love to try it!!

Yeah - potato bread is pretty common in the US, and it's like regular bread but you incorporate well mashed potatoes into the dough- it gives more moisture, density, and richness to the bread!! Try it sometime and let me know!

I like the way that crust looks. And braided loaf proofing counts as proof of said braided loaf!!!

Thanks @cognoscere - hahah i was always so confused by 'proofing'. Did you know that the term comes from 'proving' that the yeast is active? So the "proof" that the yeast is 'good' is that the bread rises!

I love potato breads. I use to make them all the time years ago. Been a while since I've done it though. That is a really pretty bread. I love the braids.

This was my first go at it, and I never realized how easy it is. I had so many potatoes, that it wasn't hard to come up with the mashed potato ingredient!! Thanks @marxrab! Fall is coming - comfort food season! (Or is that all seasons...?)

Wow, the bread sure looks delish! 😍

And again, very nice photos.

I really need to take my baking to another level... 😅😂

This really isn't hard at all! You gotta try it! Also the book "Breadbaker's Apprentice" by Peter Reinhart is my fave! So useful. Also so many of the recipes from that book are available free online.

Omg omg clickbait! Seriously this is my kind of thing to click on...you had me at potato...omg that looks so yummy. You never cease to amaze me with your food posts. Ok, yes you do, but still. Thanks again!! Now....if only I actually make some of these. Challenge accepted...and postponed...until I want it enough and go to the grocery store for these ingredients. ^-^

Thanks @topkpop :) I'm so glad you like this bread! It's really so good! So much flavor from an innocent looking slice! It grills really well too - for grilled cheese :))))

Bread, garlic, and haiku, three of my favorites!

Hahah so happy to please! I wonder if that's the order....for me it would be garlic, bread, haiku. :)

Wow, that looks great! Nice texture and grain. I like potato breads.

Thanks @lightrhythm! I've always loved them too, and now I'm in danger zone that I've learned how to make them!! eeek!

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