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RE: RAW VEGAN DIET in a Nutshell - What, Why and How?

in #food6 years ago

I love that you wrote this post, it's true that many people, even vegans, have the misconception that eating raw means eating solely plain fruits and veggies. It's really important to kill the prejudices, you're doing a great job with it! However, one question popped into my mind while reading your post, have you noticed any dental problems after adopting a raw vegan diet? You could think that especially fruitarians may experience some problems, since eating a plethora of fruits can be hard for the teeth.

By the way, I did know that avocado is a fruit, but I didn't know that cucumber, tomato and zucchini are too, I've learned something new today! One more thing, I would love to taste that raw pizza you had in Bali, it looks so appetizing! Great post Anais! :)


Thank you for your kind comment, Jasmin! ☺️

A diet consisting of foods which are alkaline, like most fruits and veggies, actually improves your dental health and can therefore prevent any periodontitis. My teeth are only sensitive to dried fruits, so that I try to stay away from them most of the time. But apart from that the raw vegan diet hasn't had any negative effect on my teeth. What did affect my dental health so far was a pretty stressful phase in my life with work and personal stuff, which led to some uncomfortable visits at the dentist. Fortunately that is long gone and I haven't had any issues since then. This shows again how our emotions can in fact impact our physical health to a huge degree.

To make sure that my teeth stay as healthy and happy, I always rinse my mouth with water after my meals and use floss especially after eating fruits like mango. I also tend to eat a few big meals a day instead of snacking all the time. But these are some habits that in my opinion everyone's dental health can benefit from, so not just a raw vegan thing. 😉

The raw pizza is amazing, but not something I could dive into every day. 😄

Thank you for such a thorough answer Anais! I didn't know that raw food diet actually prevents periodontitis, it's a really nasty and challenging disease to treat, so we all definitely should eat more alkaline foods!

Rinsing your mouth, flossing, and not snacking all the time truly are good tips to keep the teeth healthy, no matter what diet we're following! You're answer almost sounded like you could be a dentist, have you ever thought about that career path? 😄

My pleasure! I am learning a lot about these kind of things right now since I am training to become a holistic health and nutrition coach and teeth health was just recently the topic of my module. 😉 I am super happy that I don't have to and never will spend my days starring in people's mouth for a living - so no dentist career for me, please 😄

Something that just popped into my mind - Isn't it interesting, that we often question many aspects of an uncommon diet, but most people on a standard diet probably never thought about if they get the full spectrum of nutrients or how if their diet affects their dental health negatively? And yet they might fighting with several health issues, which are often seen as normal especially once you've reached a certain age.

Don't get me wrong, I myself had the same questions at the beginning and it is super important to not follow any regime blindly. I am super grateful for so much interest in the raw vegan diet and all those lovely comments from the Steemit community. 💚

So my question came just in time for you, haha! That's so true what you said about questioning the things we find different, for example an uncommon diet. If we compare the standard Western diet and a raw vegan diet, it's obvious that the raw one has much more health benefits, also for the dental health. But we tend to question the raw diet more, since it's not something everyone is following.

I consider myself as a really curious person, I always like to learn new things and open my eyes to new ways of thinking, and you made me think in a different way again, thank you for that! :)

Thank you, Jasmin - your comments definitely reflect your curiosity and also your kindness, I love that! ☺️

So true, we tend to follow the masses and question the uncommon and that might be the right move in some instances. But unfortunately it is also often a choice out of convenience rather than a process of conscious decision-making. I started to question the common way a few years back and I can definitely say that it has transformed my life tremendously - in a good way 💚

I love to see the same thing happen to so many people out there, this is how a bigger shift in our society starts. ✨

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