How To Prepare Grasshoppers: Backyard Eating

in #food8 years ago

Grasshoppers and crickets are considered a delicacy in many Latin-American countries. Find out what all the fuss is about.

There are a lot of grasshoppers in my backyard! Everywhere I step, grasshoppers jump in all directions. I have eaten crickets before and today, as I was walking around, I decided to find out if grasshoppers are edible as well.

I discovered that not only are they edible, but, like crickets are considered a delicacy. They are high in protein, and packed full of other nutrients. They are also incredibly prolific throughout North America.

Another resident of my backyard also caught my eye:

This plant, Bidens alba, more commonly known as "Shepherd's Needle", is a common and prolific weed in North Florida and much of North America. As I discovered today, it is also edible!

I'm always excited to discover edible components of my backyard. Especially after recently losing power for a week in the wake of Hurricane Hermine.

I decided to take these two ingredients and make a snack with them, here is how I prepared it.


To start with, after catching what I thought would be an adequate amount of grasshoppers (and a couple of crickets), I placed them in the freezer for an hour. This was a sanitary and humane way to kill them.

Upon removing them from the freezer, I cut off the back legs (similar to shrimp legs, there is no nutritional value and they just add crunch).

Once that was done, I rinsed them and put them off to the side.

The flowers and leaves of the Shepherd's Needle are edible, so I removed a few flowers and leaves from one of the many plants in my backyard and rinsed them.

In a small pan, I placed some chopped garlic clove and a dollop of ghee and sauteed the garlic until it was caramel-colored.

At that point, I tossed in the grasshoppers and crickets, added some cracked pepper and dried mojo and sauteed the mixture for another 7-8 minutes at medium heat.

Once the grasshoppers were browned and crispy, I turned off the heat and added the Shepherd's Needle. I stirred the ingredients until the leaves and flowers softened.

To add a finishing touch, I splashed some homemade Carolina Reaper Pepper hot sauce.

I put the final product on a bed of baby kale leaves and got out the fork!

It was delicious. The grasshoppers had a nice crunchy texture and soaked up the flavor of the other ingredients really well. The Shepherd's Needle added a tangy flavor to the salad and the flowers added a neat texture as well.

Next time you're feeling hungry, grab a mason jar, take a walk through the grass and grab yourself some crunchy treats!

If you like my work, don't forget to follow me: @jaredcwillis

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excellent thank you very much

Something new for the menu!

I did a double take when I saw the title. "How to prepare grasshoppers.".....wait what? "how to prepare grasshoppers" Oh so I wasn't imagining it.

Nice post too. I've never seen grasshoppers that big where I live, but if I do are they in for a big surprise.

boom! This was already looking good, then came the reaper hot sauce. Nice work

Grilled grasshoppers are tasty too, but only those tiny ones, havent tried those big ones. Usually catch them during harvest.

Hi @jaredcwillis! This is to let you know that your post is featured on the Steemitrecipes Daily Picks - Entry 004!

Cool thank you!

very cool! Last winter I lived in Thailand, there is also love to eat insects, but they are not prepared in such a way))) I write about food too. If you want to look me in to account, I think you will find yourself something interesting

Noo... but it looks so delicious :P

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