The Truth About Keto Friendly Artificial Sweeteners

in #food6 years ago (edited)

howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas!

As many of you know I've talking about the Keto diet and the
importance of getting off white refined sugar because it is associated
with just about any major disease you can think of and is absolutely
one of the things that is killing us, at least here in the U.S.

But having said that, and as a former sugar junky, it's much easier
said than done as far as just "getting off sugar." Yeah right you say..
the stuff is in EVERYTHING!

So true. When you see the stats that say the average American
consumes 66 POUNDS of white sugar each year it's alarming but
totally understandable when you start reading labels.

Of course Big Food capitalized on the "sugar is bad" trend and
came up with replacements for those trying to limit sugar. But
these artificial sweeteners are literally more dangerous to your
health than regular sugar.

Saccharin, aspartame, acesulfame K, and sucralose are all total
nightmares so stay away from them!

There are 4 alternatives which are great replacements and are
diabetic friendly because they don't spike insulin.

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This compound is made from the Stevia plant leaves which is
found in Brazil and Paraguay and has been used for centuries
by the locals.


It's 200 to 300 times sweeter than white sugar so you might want
to experiment with it before replacing sugar with equal amounts.

Some brands have a bitter after taste so again, you may need to
experiment with different ones. Liquid is the best form as
producers usually add preservatives and other things to the
powder form.

Monk Fruit

This is an interesting one, it's actually a member of the
cucumber family. It's a small green gourd grown in Tailand and
Southern China and is naturally rich in antioxidants.


It gets it's name because it has been used for centuries by
Buddhist Monks. Like Stevia it comes in both liquid and powder
form and many prefer it over Stevia because it has no after taste.
But of course it's more expensive.


This is one of the recommended new sweetners that they call
"sugar alcohols." they aren't like the alcohol that you can drink, but
due to their molecular structure, sugar alcohols provide a sweet
flavor without impacting your blood sugar levels.


Erythritol is found in many plants and is a naturally occurring
product. You need to look for certified non-GMO erythritol though
because there are manufacturers who get it from GMO cornstarch.

Also, it's not as sweet as Monk Fruit or Stevia so it will probably take
more to sweeten like you want it.


This is another sugar alchohol like Erythritol but causes some people
to have digestive distress so you might want to experiment with small
amounts first.

Also, like with Erythritol there are cheap products available which are
made from GMO corn so when buying it you need to look for those
which are extracted from North American birch bark

So there you have it folks, you don't have to give up the sweetness that
you love. These sweeteners don't raise your blood sugar level and you
can use them in beverages or your favorite desserts.


Mrs. J and I will be bringing more Keto friendly desserts and recipes
your way as we find good ones.

God bless you all!
-jonboy Texas
the gentleman redneck

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thank you @steemkitchen what a wonderful idea!
I will check it out for certain thank you!

Oh thank you! This is fantastic information. Thank you so much for taking the time and describing these alternatives so well. This is VERY valuable information to me. I also want to say for all the migraine sufferers out there, stay away from the synthetic sugars like Saccharin, aspartame, acesulfame K, and sucralose. These are common migraine triggers! Thank you so much for giving me some REAL alternatives to cane sugar. I love this platform!

Oh, I like the selfie's something to help you cool off there in Texas........
redneck AC.png

Redneck air conditioning.

lol! can I borrow this photo?
this is great lol.

Sure, I snearched it off the internet years ago. I used to add stuff like this in my emails to friends at work on Fridays.

great idea, and they always looked forward to getting them didn't they?
there's enough deadly serious stuff out there, it's nice to mix it up with
humor at least occasionally!

howdy @squirrelbait! you are so welcome.
well when we first started this it's like ok sugar sucks but
the replacements suck even worse! so what to do?
I forgot about the bad artificial sweeteners being migraine triggers
even though I knew that so thanks for reminding me.
If I mention that in another post I'll give you the credit and
recommend your blog.
thank you Ma'am!

No need to give me credit. No worries. We all share what we've learned to our mutual benefit. We all get the credit :) I'm just so glad to meet someone who does their research too.

I've heard mixed reviews on the last two. Stevia seems like our safest bet. Thanks for the reminder. I never add sugar to anything, but the wife uses a teaspoon and a half with every cup of coffee, so I'll get her off that ASAP.

Stevia is great but you still have to get it from a reliable source.
Monk Fruit tastes better and is easier to bake with.

I know about the bad reviews of the others but those reviews are
of cheap products made from GMO cornstarch, the quality
producers are putting out fine products.
thank you sir mepatirot!

Can you share any reliable sources?

it's something we are working on to put together a guide or something because it's hard to know where to get this stuff, how much to pay and what the best suppliers are because you can't just run down to the local market and expect to find these specialty items.
so yeah we're going to do a post on what we find.
great question.

A great share.
I cut sugar from my diet, nearly 2 years ago.
Because i am not over saturated from it, I can indulge in an occasional treat like a vanilla slice from my local bakery, and recover from it straight away.
Since switching to raw vegetables as about 80-90% of my diet, I no longer crave sweet foods, previously, my stomach always wanted what stimulated my eyes. No more.
I also haven't had as much as a cold or a flu for over a year now.
keeping my PH balance akaline is another part of my diet.
It was discovered, around 1920 I think, that no virus can live in an alkaline environment, but thrives in an acidic one (sugar is a super food for disease).

yes sir @bobaphet you are so correct, sugar is a killer, for instance cancer thrives on it and so right about PH balance.
Isn't it interesting that you no longer have any cravings for sweets after you switched to healthy foods, your body adapted naturally.

and yes when one is not consuming alot of sugar then one can indulge with no problems occasionally, all things in moderation.
thank you sir for your contribution!

If you want Stevia in its most natural form, grow some! Just harvest the leaves before the plant flowers...

yes absolutely the best way!
thank you @cecicastor.

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