How to make simple Pizza without Oven

in #food8 years ago (edited)

250 gr flour
1 tsp instant yeast
3 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons cooking oil
1 egg
200 ml UHT white milk
toping according to taste (in my kitchen :-D):
2 tablespoons tomato sauce
2 sticks of sausage
1 onion
1/2 fresh tomatoes
1 ounce of cheese
2 tablespoons mayonnaise 

Step  : 

- Mix the flour and yeast. Add the butter, mix until the grain. Add cooking oil, mix evenly. Add the eggs, mix evenly. Recently pour the milk UHT step at a time while the batter silenced. My first half, knead the dough, then enter it again while continuing kneading dough in half.
Rest the dough for about 15 minutes in a closed container or plastic wet napkins
UHT milk when mixing, the dough will be very soft and sticky. Do not be tempted to add flour and continue to knead until the dough is really smooth and soft. 

-  While waiting for the dough so the dough, prepare the topping to taste.
Here I wear
2 tablespoons tomato sauce,
2 sticks of sausage (sliced round),
1 small onion (chopped),
1/2 fresh tomatoes (small slices),
1 ounce of cheddar cheese (better if mozarella)
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
Can also use a combination of:
2 tablespoons tomato sauce
1 whole onion and 1/2 cans of corned beef sauteed briefly
Mozarella cheese and mayonnaise
or according to each creation and availability of materials 

-   After 15 minutes, deflate the dough, arrange on a griddle. Prick with a fork to let steam pores so that the dough cooked through.
note: this recipe 1 For griddle pan diameter 22 cm, if your skillet is smaller, the dough into a few. 

-  Spread tomato sauce, put onions, fresh tomatoes, sausage and grated cheese 

-  Turn on the stove. Cook the pizza dough for approximately 15-20 minutes, cover with a lid pot
tips: I wear furnace stove in the middle (most small flame). I use the first 5 minutes of a fire and the dough is not my cap, to provide maximum heat and develop doughnya dough. Afterwards I reduce the heat and my griddle covered, for 10-15 minutes so that we get a pizza that color is gorgeous and cooked evenly in it, do not burn underneath .

-  After 15 minutes, surround mayonnaise, bake for 5 minutes.
Lift pizza from griddle, cut and enjoy while warm.
good luck 

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