Were You Just looking For The Best Vegi Burger Recipe? Here It Is - Oat Pattie Burger With Leek And Mustard Sauce

in #food6 years ago

We are allowed to eat burgers with our hands, which good enough reason to take the time and make them :). I personally love burgers. They almost always taste good. But if they are prepared with greater care and according to a good recipe, than they can taste perfect. This recipe is impressive and it will impress you, your family or your guests. Bon apetit!



1 cup rolled oats
¼ cup all-purpose wheat flour
½ cup breadcrums
2 tomatoes
1 medium onion
1 small leek
12 green leaf letuce leaves
6 burger buns
2 medium carrots
2 tbsp finely chopped parsley
5 tbsp of vegetable oil
Pinch of pepper
¼ cup corn
1 tsp salt
1 medium potato
Pinch nutmeg
½ tsp coriander

Yield: 6 burgers


Soak rolled oats in water for 15 minutes.

Peel and slice the onions.

Heat vegetable oil in the pan, place in sliced onions and sauté for 5 - 8 minutes until yellow, stirring occasionally. 3 minutes before the onions are done, grate in carrot and potato and add ½ tsp salt.

Place this mixture in the bowl together with drained rolled oats, breadcrums , flour, finely chopped parsley, corn, ½ tsp salt, pepper, nutmeg and coriander. Stir the mixture until all the ingredients are well incorporated.

Form 6 cm patties.

Prepare the souce by cutting pickles into 0,5 cm cubes and mincing onion and a few slices of leek. Mix them in the small bowl with together with mustard, salt, pepper and tabasco. Stir the ingredients.

Slice tomatoes and leek into thin slices.

Heat vegetable oil in the pan, place in patties and fry them on each side for 4 - 7 minutes until brown.

Fill the burger buns with lettuce, sliced tomato, oat patties, sauce and sliced leek.

Preparation time:15 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes

Give this recipe a try and let me know in the comments what you think. I will be delivering new recipes and articles on a daily basis so be sure to follow, UPVOTE and resteem.

The image and the recipe are my creation. The image was taken with my Nikon D-7000.


Well done! Looks really nice. Thank you!

Thanks, it was quite tasty!

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