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RE: Food Dating With Best Foodie - Korean Human Mummy #9 Photo

in #food6 years ago

Sorry for late reply. hehe. It was super duper AWESOME! My favourite food!! XD Hmm. The pink sausage is a type of fish, named Urechis unicinctus. Sounds very academical. But it has another name to make easy understanding, so I suggest you go google it. hehe.


Haha thanks! I had to google it. Even found some video and it got me shivers..
Did you eat it? :p

Did you get its interesting name? hehe. Hmm. Nope that day. But I love it with Korean drink Soju! So nice! I like the texture and flavour. Honestly it is a bit slimy but pretty chewy. I can say it's my type! :P

Yes I did :D Very adequate...

Yes, hehe ;D I guess only Koeans eat this fish in the raw. Hope one day you come to Korea and try this LOL . Guess just some day in the future. hehe.

AND you eat it raw? Oh boy :D

We eat raw fish, called sashimi. Quite same with Japanese food. But yes we eat RAW Urechis unicinctus LOL

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