Can you cook?

in #food7 years ago

And 1st dates

Back when I was in 6th grade we had an assignment in our French class. We were planning a breakfast and a couple of us could volunteer to make a classic French dessert. Some mousse au chocolat balls. Don't know the exact word. Of course I was one of the kids being picked for the task, mainly because some of the other children knew about the food I brought to school on a daily basis. And because a friend of mine also decided to make this dessert. Actually I don't know the exact workings of this deal, it was 9 years ago, but that's beside the point. Thing is I ended up bringing this dessert to school.

So, the 12-year-old me went home and told his mom about his great achievement.

"Hey mom! I get to make this chocolate balls for my French class. Great, init?"

"Surely, son. Do you know how to make them?"

"Well, here's the recipe. And I can read. How tough can it be..."

Hours later, we had all the ingredients and I set out on a mission to create the best dessert out of everyone bringing something to the breakfast. Again, not sure that was my mission, but we have to make it sound appealing.

Okay, here we go.

This one goes in here, whisk this up, blend this, cacao here, oh maybe some more, taste test, yep that's it!

I managed to read my way all the way to where the batter was practically finished. But then the hard part began. Forming those little fuckers. Let me tell you that's not a fun endeavor. Having a chewy mass stick to your fingers while you try to form them into balls = impossible task. Eventually, I get upset enough for my mom to step in. With some magical tricks, she manages to form the most beautiful little mousse au chocolat somethings I have ever seen. Go, mom!

Zee breakfast

The next day, I bring those little breath-takers to school. Have everyone taste someone else's dessert first, so they enjoy mine after already having a reference.

"Wow, his ones are the best!" "They are amazing!" "How come my taste so bad?"

Oh, oh Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Merci beaucoup.

The greatest cook

Maybe it was that day, maybe it was some other day. Maybe a day I sold him one of the lunches my mom made me bring to school every day. Maybe it was the day he was over at my house and tasted my cake. Or for a change, it was the day he tasted something I cooked. Back in the day, I was the master of "healthy fitness chicken wraps". Yep.

But after this day I had a fan. Whenever someone said they are a great cook and he was around he would say" Okay cool but have you ever tried Barney's stuff? That shit fire." Well, with the wording of a 12, 14, 16 year-old respectively.

One time someone told me a story how a girl in our group of friends talked about what phenomenal stuff she had cooked and somehow my fan and she got into an argument. My fan arguing for me, trying to set up a cooking battle to see who's stuff is actually better. Apparently, it got intense. Which is funny because he wasn't arguing for himself. He just wouldn't let her call herself a good cook. Funny. He was a good friend. Maybe I should text him.

I can read

So, over the years there have been many encounters of people asking me why I can cook. And be good at it too. In my group of friends, I am well established as the go to guy when it comes to having someone prepare the dinner for a night in.

My answer has always been I don't know, until I made an effort to find a good response. Look into why I can cook.

I love food. Boring answer. I watched a shit ton of YouTube videos and eventually got the hang of it. Meh, no one cares about the effort you put in.

Now, my answer simply is: Well, I can read.

And that's true! Apparently. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to read this post of mine.

But seriously, cooking good stuff can be as easy as following someone's recipe. Taking all the steps they have layed out. Obviously. And if you do it enough times you will at one point be able to come up with your own stuff. Just experiment. Substitue. Test. And don't die.

Funny anecdote

A while ago I was heavily into going out, dating different girls, all those shenanigans. It was fun. As a matter of fact, I'm thinking about doing that again, maybe on a larger or rather more efficient scale, we'll have to see. There are some things with other people I don't want to ruin right now as well as a lack of time because I'm building businesses to set myself free.

Anyway, back then people always asked me what I do for a first date.

Haha well, when everything goes smooth I should be able to set up a dinner date at my place. With me cooking.

Of course, my friends' were nodding in agreement, sighing saying ahh yeah that makes sense! haha

Stay awesome and don't fail to build!


Awesome! Love to try cook here and there as its more cost effective and i get to try something new. I feel like i experiment too much when i dont even know the basics. Looks like ive got to read and watch more. Cheers. Followed, do follow back for crypto related news!

Officially the cook of the day! :d

What a lovely story about your beginnings in cookery, my first foray into cooking was an apple tart as a 8 year old (I think).

Meh, no one cares about the effort you put in

They do when they are eating your beautiful food!!!

Good luck with your new enterprise to date more women more efficiently, I do honestly look forward to reading about your progress ;-)

Girls LOVE it when us guys cook for them. Especially when it tastes good. Lol.


Sweet story :), thanks for sharing

Waao great story, you are really inspiring buddy :)

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