ღTravel travel ! My Favorite Food in PA and NYC ! #1

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Hi ! Steemit friends, this time i wanna sharing my favorite food in USA!If you like,
Please Upvote , Resteemed and followed @ihatebanana

American food size always larger than Asian,and that is one of the reason attract me haha,
i'm a big foodie! :P

-嗨!Steemit的朋友,這次我想和大家分享我在美國最愛的食物!美國的食物份量遠大於亞洲的分量,這也是其中一個吸引我的原因啦哈哈,誰叫我是個愛吃鬼嘛! :P

  • The huge PIZZA : Lorenzo's pizza ( in Philadelphia )
    I'm a cheese and pizza lover, and this big cheese slice let me bit more and more, don't wanna stop!So i'm sorry i couldn't help myself to take a bit it before i took pictures ...... haha. A lot of people working around there come here to have one to two slices and drinks as their lunch.




  • Famous cheese steaks with Rocky's feet mark : PAT'S steaks ( in Philadelphia )
    i think it sould not unfamiliar for everyone about Phlly's cheese steaks.
    i've eaten so many cheese steaks, but PAT'S is my favorite,crisp bread with cheese and fry beef,Hmmmmmm....yummy!
    -我想大家應該都不陌生費城最有名的牛肉漢堡吧!我在美國吃過了很多家的牛肉漢堡,但還是最愛這家PAT'S 的,酥脆的麵包加濃濃的起司和炒牛肉,嗯~~~~~~~真的好好吃阿!這家還有一個有名的特色就是電影拳擊手-洛基在這裡留下了紀念腳印。

  • Chinese restaurant in china town : Miramar 美麗華 ( in Philadelphia )
    Here is a famous Chinese restaurant in China town in Philly, and they offer a set menu, so just order what you want or you can order the set for the number of people. i love every meal we order, beef ,chicken, seafood ,especially the lobsters!


  • Famous Pretzel store : Auntie Anne's ( in Philadelphia or everywhere i think )
    Pretzel is a common food in usa, i ate other pretzels in the food trucks, and i don't really like it, i felt i will chock by the thick salt on it .But i love Auntie Anne's the most,subvert my thought about pretzel ,no matter how common it is , i still love it haha.
    -蝴蝶炳在美國是個很常見的食物,我之前吃過小卡車上的蝴蝶餅,我不是很喜歡,我覺得自己快被上面的粗鹽噎死了。但是自從我吃到Auntie Anne's 的蝴蝶餅我才驚覺怎麼會這麼好吃!Auntie Anne's在美國是很常見的蝴蝶餅老品牌,即是當地居民覺得再怎麼普通,我還是很鍾愛他哈哈。


  • Famous American hamburger store : Shake Shack ( in NYC and PA )
    i think this is the best burger i had in usa haha,there are a lot of flavors you can choose ,and the milk shack are also awsome!
    it comes from NYC,and new they have new stores in PA ,too. Every time i go usa ,i must have it!
    -我覺得這個是我在美國吃到最好吃的漢堡了,有很多口味可以選擇,他們的奶昔也是一級棒的!Shake Shack這家店源自於紐約,但最新費城也新開了幾家。我每次去美國都一定會去吃個幾次!



  • Tiny and lovely Donuts in Chelsea Market : DOUGHNUTTERY ( in NYC )
    Here is a donuts shop in Chelsea Market ,the donuts are tiny ,and there are some special flavors,like green tea ,the flavors are not so sweet like normal donuts, and because it's tiny so i can pick different one to taste, yummy yummy!





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Lorenzo's - Great pizza!
Shake Shack - Great burgers!

I do like pizza. Good choice.

wow that pizza looks amazing haha
pizza is definetly the best (:

haha pizza lover!

check out my page if you like (:

of course!:)
and followed!

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