Reasons Why You Still Cannot Cook and Possible Ways To Encourage You

in #food7 years ago

I think one of the most important reasons why you still cannot cook is because you are head strong about the fact that you are not a cooking type of person and you believe solely that once you try it and it doesn't work then you cannot try it a second time. But, it doesn't work that way, you don't just become an expert in one day, it could take a lot of time, hard work and dedication for you finally achieve a certain skill of cooking.

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Another reason is that probably you feel your fridge is too empty to make out a good meal, but no you do not need a full fridge to prepare a meal, you could begin with the ones you have.

Maybe you have a cultural belief that is totally against cooking.

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You are probably scared that any time you try to cook, you might set the entire building on fire and in order to cook well, you have to eradicate such thought.

You might feel you are too busy to cook, but sometimes there is this feeling that you just want to taste your own food that you have proudly prepared.

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You might feel that cooking does not really turn out the way you want, but you can give it a better trial and follow the recipes more closely.

Try out your cooking skills today and watch yourself turn into a great and better cook.

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