9 Food Items That’ll Definitely Make You Smell Better And Feel Sexier

in #food7 years ago

9 Food Items That’ll Definitely Make You Smell Better And Feel Sexier
Physical and mental attraction apart, how you smell can be a critical factor in upping your attraction quotient. Your body odour is a vital factor that can draw a potential mate towards yourself as well. A study published in Evolution and Human Behaviour, revealed that a man’s body odour can significantly impact his attractiveness.

In fact, A study by the University of California states that all of us have our own ‘odour signature’ that is largely determined by our genetics, health, personal hygiene and our diet as well.

9 Food Items That’ll Definitely Make You Smell Better And Feel Sexier


For instance, foods containing sulfur, such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic and onions are all capable of producing a pungent body odour.

While we do agree what smells and tastes great to one person might not be as enticing to another, here are some food choices recommended by science that can help you smell better and even feel lighter and sexier: #1. Eat apples instead of pumpkins
9 Food Items That’ll Definitely Make You Smell Better And Feel Sexier


An apple a day may not keep the doctor away, but it sure as hell helps keep bad breath at bay. The naturally occurring anti-bacterial agent in apples helps fight bad breath and act like a mouth freshener. Apples also help prevent the build up of plaque and other bacteria causing foods.

Pumpkins contain choline, a compound that gets metabolized into trimethylamine. Excess of trimethylamine in your body can cause body odour.

#2. Eat citrus fruits instead of cruciferous vegetables
9 Food Items That’ll Definitely Make You Smell Better And Feel Sexier


The body absorbs and emanates the naturally occurring smells from citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons and pineapples, leaving you with fresh smell from your skin. Additionally, the acids in these fruits causes water to flush out toxins that cause unpleasant odours out of the body.

Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts and cauliflower can create an unpleasant body odour that intensifies when released through your sweat.

#3. Eat white fish instead of pink fish
9 Food Items That’ll Definitely Make You Smell Better And Feel Sexier


Peskitarians who can’t make do without fish should consider sticking to eating white fish, especially on days when you’re planning to head out or socialise in a ‘close’ gathering. White fish won’t make you smell better, but it won’t make you smell at all.

Red meat is associate with unpleasant body odour that occurs when the body metabolises fish, states a study conducted in the Czech Republic published in the journal Chemical Senses.

#4. Eat yoghurt instead of milk
9 Food Items That’ll Definitely Make You Smell Better And Feel Sexier


Known for its positive effect on the digestive health, the live active cultures inherently found in probiotic yoghurt also helps neutralise odour causing sulfur compounds in your body. The beneficial bacteria found in yoghurt also help further combat toxins in our system, which further helps neutralise odour causing bacteria.

Milk contains a chemical called choline that can causes a nasty body odour.

#5. Drink green tea instead of coffee
9 Food Items That’ll Definitely Make You Smell Better And Feel Sexier


Not only does green tea contain catechins but also polyphenols. Polyphenols are antioxidants that reduce odour causing sulphur compounds in the body and help fight off other bacteria that can cause bad breath. Additionally, the tannins found in both green and black tea can help keep your foot dry, preventing a foot odour.

Coffee, like most other caffeinated beverages can cause a pungent body odour.

#6. Eat celery instead of junk food
9 Food Items That’ll Definitely Make You Smell Better And Feel Sexier


Chewing on the stalk of celery causes a release in androstenone and androstenol molecules in your mouth. This eventually causes your body to send out pheromones from your body to make you more desirable to women. The celery stick served with the Bloody Mary may not be such a bad idea after all.

Junk food is filled with processed ingredients that lack compounds in natural foods, which naturally helps neutralise bad odour in your body.

#7. Eat fennel seeds instead of fenugreek seeds
9 Food Items That’ll Definitely Make You Smell Better And Feel Sexier


There’s good reason why this item is used extensively as the go-to mouth freshener in most restaurants in India. Not only do they fight off bacteria causing bad odour in your mouth and neutralise them, they also effectively wash away bad bacteria and act as an aid in digestion.

Fenugreek seeds on the other hand can cause a sickly, sweet smell emanating from your body, similar to that of maple syrup.

#8. Drink water with lemon in them instead of alcohol
9 Food Items That’ll Definitely Make You Smell Better And Feel Sexier


While the high amount of antioxidants and acidic properties in limes help the disinfect and detoxify the body, water is the best natural element that can flush out your entire body effectively eliminating toxins that can cause body odour. This is a potent combination that can keep you smelling clean.

The toxins, dehydration and uric acid that are generated in the body due to alcohol create a long-lasting spell odour, which only goes once flushed out.

#9. Eat cardamom and cinnamon instead of onions and garlic
9 Food Items That’ll Definitely Make You Smell Better And Feel Sexier


While cardamom is known for it’s properties of making breath making it smell fresher leaving behind a pleasant aroma, cinnamon helps better your body odour not worsen it. They also make for ideal spices that can not only make your food tastier but also make you smell more desirable.

Garlic and onions have large quantities of sulfur compounds, which when metabolised in the body is dissipated through the pores of your body. 9_food_items_thatll_definitely_make_you_smell_better_and_feel_sexier_1521803781_725x725.jpg

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