Good-For-You Brownies

in #food6 years ago

Does anyone else get annoyed when you click on a link for a recipe, and you have to scroll and scroll to finally reach the recipe? I do. So here you have the recipe right at top for those who don’t want to do any further reading!

When it comes to cooking and baking, I’m not too strict on following directions. I’m also not strict on my measuring either. I just kind of go with the flow. As long as the dish comes out edible and everyone still likes it, well then I think that’s good enough. Lol!

I normally just look at the ingredients and go at it. Sometimes that’s ok, and other’s not. As you can see in the following pictures, I didn’t follow the directions. Even so, I have a feeling these treats won’t last very long. But next time, it’d be better to do it correctly.

So first I dumped my dry ingredients together. I tried replacing the Lily’s brand chocolate chips for shredded coconut for something different.

Then I dumped in the wet ingredients.

Beat it together and put into desired pan. I like using mini muffin pans, because they are great for young kids! Oh, I didn’t bother greasing the pan beforehand, and they came out fine.

15 minutes later, and they are ready to eat!

Mm-mm-mmm! Now, if you are wanting a nice sweet brownie like you get out of a box, these are not for you. These are a dark, rich chocolate brownie. My children’s taste pallets have adapted to treats that are no longer sweeter than necessary, so they disappear just as fast as any other brownie recipe. Best part is, in theory, they should not raise blood sugars. So if you want to eat these for breakfast, go at it! Of course, if blood sugars are a concern for you, always test after you try new foods to see how your body personally reacts.

Thanks for reading! More recipes to come!

Oh, by the way, the shredded coconut wasn’t worth it. I’d stick with the chocolate chips or chopped nuts.


Howdy hebrewhousewife! I love these! great job, you are going to keep posting all the good recipes you find that are sugar free? That would be wonderful. You should join steemkitchen and use their tag and they'll upvote your posts.

I think I will. Thanks for the tip! I’m going close that out.

Avocado? Hum well I guess as long as I can't taste it then it can stay! Also for me I always stick to the recipe when baking!

I found avocado is the dairy-free version of butter in a lot of these recipes. I personally can’t taste it when it’s mixed in with something else. Now eating it by itself... no one here is a fan of that. So desserts are a great way to sneak in this nutritional fruit! And when it comes to the kitchen, I consider myself a rebel lol!

I never used to like avocado but my taste buds have changed as I have gotten older and now I enjoy it with my Mexican food! Avocado is good for you so as a rebel sneaking it in was a smart way to go!

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