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RE: Vegan Super Food Chocolate Ice Cream Shake! Get Your Delicious and Nutritious Feast On!

in #food7 years ago

Holy, I am not allowed to travel anymore if I am to be having an online presence. @quinneaker, I know we already talked somewhere else, but I want you to know that I am quite ashamed with myself for only upvoting you and not commenting... that is so unlike me. I know I wanted to message you privately and I was traveling with the worst internet I have had in ages (I thought we were advanced now) lol

I am so flattered that you made this entry for my contest. It was just supposed to be a fun, engaging, light loving promotion of health and ideas to form a network and it's truly surprised me.

I really do have one complaint that I must share with you however... I'm not there to enjoy it! ;) I promise I am going to rereate it and let you know how delicious it is as soon as I get settled back into RL. <3 Thanks again my friend! Remind my scattered brain that I want to talk to you! <3


Yes traveling is quite taxing even this day in age. It is easy to get distracted, stressed, tired and bad internet.

I totally understand and forgive you hehehe ;-)>

I am very grateful that this means a lot to you and that we are exchange love and real value.

I am also very glad ur only complaint is that you did not get to share it with me and the family hehehe ;-)>

Hope to continue to share here on Steemit and maybe one day in RL share some high vibe cuisine together!


...and evidentially get so behind in your replies that you miss a very special one from a special friend!

Ever since you posted your delicious recipe, I have had this craving for one so I made a few the last couple of days and now that we're back at it, I am wanting another <3

I'm very excited to continue this! I'm loving the fact that through a platform which I never would have predicted myself being on, I have found such true connection.

Power of the universe, she is strong <3 XOXO


How amazing is that? The connection, information and opportunity are priceless and I am grateful for it. Yet what makes it even MORE awesome is that we get paid to make friends and share with each other!
Wow what a dream come true!

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