Foodsharing #1 - How? Where? What? Why?

in #food7 years ago

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The last few days I had been on the road a lot for foodsharing and didn't have much time to write. Today I already picked up twice and have two more collections ahead of me. Tomorrow I'll show you what I picked up!

So now I'm going to write this article here. Otherwise you'll forget about me. ;)

Today I will explain the principle of foodsharing and how it works. I think it's quite interesting to have some information to understand how foodsharing works. But first of all only the most important, otherwise it's too much.;)


We collect foodstuffs from all kinds of food companies that would otherwise end up in the bin. There are really all kinds of cooperation partners involved. From weekly market, petrol stations and bakerys to supermarkets, small shops around the corner and health food shops. There are sometimes big promotions like Christmas market pick-up, 50x10l bucket of pesto from overproduction or 300 butter-pretzels from a congress.

We enter into cooperations with the companies. In other words, we ask them if they want to work with us to reduce food waste. The advantage for the companies is of course that the high disposal costs are eliminated when we take the „waste“.

It is then agreed upon where and when the foodstuff are to be collected and what quantities they are on average. A team is then assembled for each new company and organized on the platform using a calendar. There you can make a binding entry for a pick-up. Once you have registered, you are also responsible for the collection. If anything comes up, you have to find a replacement yourself.

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The people who volunteer to save the food and form these teams are called foodsavers. We are organised via the platform . If you want to join foodsharing, you have to register and do a little quiz, if you have understood what it is about.

You shouldn't be cheering in the supermarket: "Oh, cool, today there are a lot of strawberries" or moan about why there is not the tasty bread which you had last time.
It's supposed to have happened before. With the stories I've heard so far, I actually believe that. You really don't want to know some stories.... but I'll tell you a few! :D

What exactly is collected from the different companies in each case I will show you in individual contributions including nice photos!

Many companies are convinced of what we do and participate. Others, however - including large supermarket chains - claim that they actually don't throw anything away. That makes me really angry..... but please be nice and polite and “Have a good day”. grrrrr... Well, you just can't convince all people to share it fairly rather than throw it away. I think resentment also plays a role here. Many people think that we want to enrich ourselves and would rather throw it away.

It may happen that the employees in a company do not speak well of us. I can understand that, too. The food we take with us is often without any defects. Of course, many things have brown spots, small quirks or are overripe, but most of them are super good food. And the employees are not allowed to take these with them. If they did that, they'd be out in a jiffy. Of course they're angry. Besides, most of the time they don't even know who we are or what we're doing with the food.


Distribute fairly

Exactly, what are we going to do with it? So it is fundamental that foodsharing is all about ensuring that food does not end up in the garbage. Whoever eats it now doesn't matter. The main thing is to eat it. Average citizen, steemians, homeless or Porsche driver, for me alone or share with others. Anything can happen. What´s absolutely not possible is to sell the food, otherwise hand off! ;)

There are “Fair-sharer” in the cities in different places where we put the rescued food we don't use ourselves and which we do not distribute in our surroundings. These are places where we put a cabinet to put the food in. Everyone can take it out and of course also put in what he has at home and no longer eats.

Finding places where a “Fair-sharer” can be set up is unfortunately not so easy. Most of the people are afraid of mice and rats, too much publicity and liability issues when it is standing on their property. I can understand it a bit, no one wants trouble. And in the German smugness this is often the case.

But it has to be on a private property, because we can't just put any cupboards full of food in the public space.... Laugh, nice picture! Imagine that would work! In any case, one of our biggest problems is that we do not have enough “Fair-sharer”. How absurd!


That's why I recently started a small fair-divider project. Since it is problematic
I opened the group "mobile fair splitters" and collected bicycle trailers and chests of drawers. I am always surprised how helpful people are when I tell them what I need the trailer for or later on the chests of drawers. We received 5 pendants and until now 3 chests of drawers. Great!

Since no one can say anything about it, if I park my bicycle trailer with a chest of drawers on the street, let's just do it this way!
And what I have in my trailer inside and what I do with it is nobody's business! So, as I said, yesterday we baptized the first small mobile fair divider, it's now called "Schmusik" - it's standing at the Musikhochschule ;) And he's really gotten very delightful and funny! I took an extra photo for you!

I hope that it has been worth the effort and he can stay for a while and above all doesn´t get broken. Keep your fingers crossed!

I think I've explained the most important things now. It was a bit theoretically dry today, but it's going to be fine. ;) When I tell you about my Foodsaver everyday life in the future, you have at least had a glimpse into the structure.

If you have any questions or want to know more, please leave a comment! I'll be happy to explain in more detail! :D

And now I'm going to pick up at the health food store! :D

See you soon,


Really nice initiative. In my first days in Norway I tried to rescue some food In supermarkets but they always told me NO (maybe something wrong in my approach, i don’t know) so I had to dumpsterdive instead. Maybe I should try to ask again, with more confidence. I really hate how they waist the food. Great post, I follow you now

Hey, thank you!
You should try it again!! Maybe you can explain them the principles about foodsharing and that they're making a major contribution to food rescue. Something like that ;D We say, put honey around there mouth! lol
Great that you follow me know!! Maybe you can spread the idea of foodsharing here on the platform so a lot of people will hear about the posiblity to rescue food!!
See you soon!

Sure, I will learn more and resteem this post now! ;) hugs

Great, thanx! :*

Oh, noch eine Lebensmittelretterin. Schön.
Ich bin leider seit dem Herbst erzwungenermaßen inaktiv.

Hey, cool! Dann weißt du ja von was ich spreche! Schön.
Was ist passiert??

Hab keine Monatskarte mehr. Die Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft hat's nicht so mit Kulanz gegenüber Leuten, die ihre Finanzen nicht haarklein überwachen.
Außerdem ging's kräftemäßig nicht mehr.

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