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RE: A Pail Greek Salad To Go With Road Kill. (It's Mostly a Juicy Story With A Little Dryness Here and There.)

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Sorry I missed this post during its payout time! I bet that was a great salad with the turkey! I have eaten a lot of roadkill. Where I grew up, any roadkill pheasant was called "prairie chicken". And when I lived in Michigan, the winter was a good time to pay attention along the road. Things keep real well in the winter cold. It's nothing to be embarrassed about -- it respects the life of the animal, and is so much better than letting it rot by the road or draw other animals to the roadside, where they get hit, too. I'm glad you got to appreciate that wild turkey!

Note: I'll have to be sure to look under the foraging-trail tag. I usually just look under foraging. So that's how I missed this! Rats! Please don't hesitate to drop me a comment in any of my posts, when you have a foraging post, too. It's too easy to miss things -- and you have great stories!


Thanks for adding to the discussion on this article @haphazard-hstead!
I say "don't knock it until you try it" when it comes to culinary experiences.
If I was blind-folded and presented the domestic turkey along side the wild one, the only notable difference was that the wild turkey was drier. That was it, otherwise no taste difference.
Thanks for all your support and encouragement @haphazard-hstead, I really appreciate it and your knowledge and expertise. It's always a pleasure to communicate with you. I'm never quite sure if I should still be using the -trail tags, but I don't cover foraging that often so I thought it may help. :)

All the whole turkeys we buy at the store are injected with broth or saline solution, so no wonder they are more moist, lol. Regardless of what happens with the SteemTrail efforts, I'll always be checking the foraging tag, just because that's what I like to read about. And Steemit has a lot of good foragers -- and adventuresome food folks, too, like you!

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