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RE: Cream Cheese Butter Almond Cookies

in #food7 years ago

You got a good 4-H green in those cookies! 4-H is a great program! As a town kid, I did 4-H gardening, woodworking, forestry, and insect projects for years. I never understood the organization or why it existed, compared to Girl Scouts. Our 4-H meetings were a lot more structured like business meetings. But as an adult, I've done a lot more with 4-H and have seen it change kids lives for the better. 4-H is for everyone -- it can be a wonderful uniter of kids from different backgrounds.


Thank you hh! I'm a believer that if you are going to food color something; it should be striking!

4-H is pretty cool! A lot of people are under the assumption that 4-H is just about having animals at the fair, but it's so much more than that! I love the whole procedural meetings thing! It's excellent to see the kids read and take minutes, track the club finances, and make decisions regarding the club's activities. Good adulting practice. The welcoming atmosphere is another bonus!

Hope you are having a most excellent weekend!!!

I've come to appreciate 4-H procedures as an adult, lol. As a kid, they were so confusing! But I always liked their projects and worksheets, lol. Have a great week!

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