BBQ night with Texas Beef ribs, Salmon and apple/walnut crumblesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #food7 years ago

BBQ menu for today

A few of my friends we're coming over last night and I was prepping a meal on the BBQ for them.
The menu did look like

  • Teas Beef Ribs
  • Salmon with mustard and brown sugar (golden oldie isn’t it @thetimminator ?)
  • Veggies with a seasoning from the Q
  • Apple/walnut crumble

At the time of writing the ribs are on the Q, but I’ll try to show you how they’re made.

Texas Beef Ribs
Why are they called Texas Beef ribs you think? Well in Texas it’s all about 1 thing only: THE beef! No distractions on your plate just the meat, so no sauce or rubs. Well the last thing is not the whole truth, maybe a little rub. I’ve put some rub on the beef called Texas Dalmatian Rub. But is plain simple just black pepper and salt.

I prepared my BBQ for an indirect session at 115 degrees Celcius, and put some smoke chips (oak) between the coals. While I put the fire in the Q I needed to wait for the right temperature. So I prepared the meat with the rub.

Rub ingredients
2 tablespoons salt
3 tablespoons black pepper

1 short rib (with 4 bones in 1 piece) I think this will be aprox. 2kg

Preparation: 30 minutes
Time on the Q: 8 hours more or less

The short ribs are cut from the lower portion of the rib cage and often have a nice layer of fat on top. Usually you’ll find them here in the supermarket with only 1 bone in it. Too small for long and slow I think! Preparing the meat before you put the rub on it is necessary that you remove the membrame from the back of the ribs. While on the Q this membrame will get plasticky and tough. It’s no fun eating that part. After removing the membrame (tip use a screwdriver!) we can rub in the seasoning.

The concept of low & slow BBQ is getting thougher pieces of meat and prepare them in the right way so in the end the meat will be tender and delicious. Cuts like a brisket, pork shoulder or in this case shortribs will have a lot of intramuscular fat and tissue that needs time to break down. That’s why all these cuts need a good low & slow session

I put the meat on the BBQ and inserted the thermometer. The temperature the meat needs to reach is somewhere around 92-95 degrees Celsius. Now the waiting begins. You need the keep the temperature levelled all the time. After a while you can choose to create a package with butcher wrap. I choose to leave this paper away. I don’t want the meat to become to juice, I want it with a small crunchy bite.

Now the meat is on the Q I can prepare my other items from the menu.

Well this doesn’t need that much time, I only need to put my planks for smoking the salmon into the water. So that they can get fully soaked.

I need to prepare the seasoning. I want that my friends can pick something they like. So I create a hot seasoning and a sour one.


  • Soy sauce five tablespoons
  • Oil 3 tablespoons
  • Lemonjuice
  • 1 red pepper
  • sesame seed


  • balsamic vinegar 5 tablespoons

  • sugar 1 tablespoon

  • oil 2 tablespoons

  • peper and salt

The hot one is really tasty in combination with some Chinese cabbage. The sour version is perfect to combine with chicory or little gem (lettuce).

I put both seasonings in the blender and put all the ingredients together in it. Wait a moment and it’s done!

And now we have come to the most difficult part of this meal, the crumble.
What you need for it?


  • 160 gram sugar
  • 60ml water
  • 100ml whipped cream
  • butter 1 tablespoon

shortcrust pastry

  • 125 gram flour
  • 65 gram butter
  • 50 gram sugar
  • water 1 tablespoon (icecold)
  • 2-3 apples
  • walnuts

For the caramelsauce you can put the sugar in a pan with a high wall and bring it to a cooking temperature on a low fire. Don’t stir in it, just wait! You need to wait till the color gets a nice light caramel tint. When you have this color remove the sauce from the fire. Don’t cook it any longer the you need to, otherwise it will burn and that won’t do any good for the taste. Now you can pour the whipped cream and butter and create a beautiful sauce from it. When you need it a little thicker you can cook it again.

For the pastry we can put everything together and blender it till you have a nice dough.

The filling is easy as well, cut the apples in small pieces and fruit them in a pan with some butter. Now put them in a baking tin with some walnuts and pour the caramel sauce over it. On top of it you can cover everything with the pastry.

Put it on the BBQ with a temperature set to 200 degrees Celsius and it will nee aprox 30 minutes. Serve it with some vanilla ice on a plate.

The results
Sorry got no picture from the salmon… It was gone before I even could think about taking a picture :D And they refused to eat the veggies because there was already so many food hehe. So preparing the veggies tonight for my girlfriend.

The shortribs

The crumble

Just in time to save some for a picture... :P


This Makes me hungry! That meat!! Wow.. that looks so tasty! I’m coming over for a BBQ session very soon Haha.

And it’s understandable that the salmon was gone so fast. It’s so delicious.

Thank you for reminding me that BBQ season is waiting at the end of this cold winter. BTW if you want to be friends in RL I would gladly drop by to your next gathering :)

Pleasure is al mine reminding you. But waiting at the end of the winter? BBQ is even more fun in winter! campfires, hot drinks yeah! It's always BBQ time every season :P

Don't know where you live but you can always drop by!

I guess it's like ice cream - there's no real reason not to eat it in winter but it simply isn't done here in Croatia. Same with BBQ - If I fire it up now, someone would probably call the police on me :)

Hehe it is just like ice cream! But the police.... damn just for a good piece of meat :D

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