Tall like a gothic cathedral - Masurian cuisine (a composition of Polish, German and even borderland cuisine )

in #food6 years ago


Masurian cuisine is my kitchen.

I grew up amid the beautiful landscapes of the Masurian lakes. Amazing Masuria can be found in north-eastern Poland. Our cuisine is mainly a composition of Polish, German and even borderland cuisine. This diversity is related to the history of the region, namely territorial changes, migration and the interpenetration of many cultures. The dishes are not sublimated. Simple dishes based on generally available ingredients such as flour, potatoes and eggs dominate. Most dishes are based on fish that are not lacking in Masuria, but also on various types of meat.


Masurian dishes are primarily characterized by simplicity due to the fact that the region was inhabited mainly by poor people. This is a big advantage, because guests who taste local dishes can easily prepare them in their home.


And for dessert



Tall like a gothic cathedral.

Resembling a hollow knotty tree trunk, often decorated with sugar flowers, has been the decoration of the Easter table for centuries. The traditional Christmas tree is baked on a large spit, which has beautiful "knots", unseen knots


Whenever I am with my parents, I ask for Sękacz and although they do not prepare themselves, but not far from their home there is a place where delicious cake is prepared in a traditional way.


It is difficult to clearly determine the origin of the sękacz. It is attributed to the medieval Baltic tribe of Yotvingians, who worshiped their deities by sacrificing meat, honey and cakes.

I vote for them:

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Its from your local food and seems like corn bbq! They look well appeared and texture, yummy and tasty food.

Never seen something like this before wonderful to see that on your blog today looks delicious ;p

Oh! This looks so beautiful and very interesting!
This makes me feel very hungry! I could have a big chunk!

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