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RE: Three second rule: Know when to deploy and when not

in #food5 years ago

What a dramatic story you wove of your sad lost lunch! I hope your sandwich survives better tomorrow!

I have to tell you, after your snake post the other day, I went out to check on the brush goats and while walking back to the car I saw two snakes hanging out in the grass. They slithered away as I approached, but they actually startled me. I saw another snake while checking on the other herd. I don't see them very often, and to see three (in two locations) the day after you posted about your scary critters was a little odd. You might have ruined snakes for me! Even though these were not poisonous, I recoiled a little from them. I'm sure I'll recover, but I thought you would be amused.


Lunch, or lack of it, is a serious matter to be written about dramatically. I'll be a day older tomorrow and that's one lunch I'll never be able to make up!

Yeah, snakes pretty much suck. I don't like them and nothing could make me like them...Unless they're those jelly one coated in chocolate. Those snakes kick ass! Follow link below.

Made just around the corner from my office. :)

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