Discover Sitges #7 friend and fullmoon dinner... sundayfun

in #food7 years ago

Sunday afternoon, we went to the beach to meet an old friend of mine, who happens to have a minime exactly 9 months younger than mine...
they absolutely connected, with kids language difference is very often not an obstacle for having fun and playing
It was a lovely afternoon, the girls played and I caught up with my friend...
How wonderful to see my friend and see how big her daughter had grown, and to see our two girls connect and have fun !
It got pretty late on the beach so we were in a hurry to eat
It was a new restaurant, that I never tried before... prices seemed reasonably cheap for the location in first line to the sea
A band of 6 streetmusicians provided a great and happy little concert... very entertaining and happy vibes
We shared a plate of fried Yuca for a starter, a new thing for minime, I guess the similarity to fried potatoes helped a great deal on the positive tasting and yes even liking of the dish
they came with a lovely homemade spicy dip, I enjoyed that a lot !
For the maindish we shared their fillet steak that came with a baked potato
and a sidedish of french fries
To my horror I discovered that it was not possible to get butter in this restaurant, I like a bit of butter with my meat, and this is a first for me that they did not have it at all... I mean the place also serves bread, corn on the cob and baked potatoes, the thing that kind of threw me off the most was the managers answer "in this part of the world noone eats butter" statement... I lived here for 15 years lol and I have dined in hundreds of restaurants in Spain and a great deal in Sitges, so his ignorance annoyed me, besides they could have easily gotten a small breadbutter from either of the restaurants next to them (where I incidently know the owners and the staff)
I didnt make an issue of it, and we ate our food, my annoyance with this minor issue though, resulted in not ordering dessert, we had icecream at home instead, and even though the food was oki not outstanding, I don't recommend places that are rigid or have rude managers lol...
We enjoyed the view of the moon in the sky
In spite of my buttercrisis... we had a lovely dinner Mimime kindly shared my sentiment on the missing butter issue, enven though she has not eaten it since she announced that she no longer ate butter when she was 2 and a half years old, I have never found out why as she does not recall why she made the desision... but she only breaks off from the rule when it comes to baked potatoes, here a tiny dosh of butter is allowed...😂
Have a great day and keep on steemin' spreading the good vibes !


Nice photographs

What a #BeautifulDay it sounds like ! ^_^

It really was, one of those days to cherish and remember, so far most every day here has been a great day ! So wonderful to be back and see all the friends I missed for 7 years ... 👀and to show my daughter where she was born !

Great post it´s allways good to know about this things! Im following you ! Resteeming this to my followers. Hope it helps a little.

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