How to make Kombucha AKA the "Immortal health elexir"

in #food8 years ago (edited)

Kombucha claimes to have a number of health benefits due to it's antioxidant and probiotic properties. It's a fermented drink made of tea and its history dates back to at least 2000 years ago in China where it was called the "Immortal health elexir". I have no hopes of becomming immortal, but I like to experiment in the kitchen so I tried to do my own kombucha. It's a great drink if you want to drink something refreshing and not too sweet. Kombucha have a bit of a sour taste, almost like vinegar. Have you tried it?
(let me know in the comments)


1 SCOBY, the "kombucha mushroom"
1 liter fresh water
2 bags of ecological green tea
0,5 dl sugar (the mushroom will use it during the fermentation process)
Some berries, ginger or orange for the flavour. I used strawberries from the garden.

How to:

  • First of all you have to got a SCOBY, a living mushroom like symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast that make the fermentation process possible. I was lucky to have a friend that got one left (that one has now grown in to three new ones). The SCOBYS are stored in at least 2 dl kombucha drink. I've also seen that you can buy one at Amazon or other online stores.

  • Boil the water. Add the tea and wait for 15 minutes. The SCOBY needs the nitrogen from the tea.

  • When the tea is 40 celsius, add the sugar and pour into a container of glass or porcelain.

  • Add 2 dl kombucha drink and the SCOBY.

  • Fastening a towel over the opening with a rubber band and store in a dark place at about 23 celsius for 10 days.

  • After 10 days, make sure your hands are clean and put the SCOBY in a new container with 2 dl of the kombucha. Filter the drink.

  • Put some flavour to the kombucha, about 2 dl of juice or fresh berries. After 3 days in the fridge, the sugar from the fruit has naturally carbonated the drink.

  • Store in the fridge in bottles. Ready to drink!

Hope you like the recipe, here are some more tasty experiments from the kitchen.


I need to try this!..i eat mushies everyday....thanks for this info.

This is awesome ! I always wanted
To know how I can make kombucha myself ! This is the best explanation I have seen so far online ! Good job !