10 Ways To Make ‘Bad’ Foods Better!

in #food5 years ago

Often times when people are looking to lose weight, they go the “all or nothing” route, meaning they give up on all of their favorite foods at once. Before long you’ve fallen off the wagon as one cheat meal becomes two, two become three…you know how it goes! We’ve all been there…

But you don’t have to give up your favorite foods. You just need to how to eat, or prepare them, a bit better. Today’s Top 10 offers a range of ideas, either when ordering out, or preparing them yourself, that’ll help make your favorite dishes that bit healthier!

Here we go:

  1. Pasta – Whether you’re making lasagna, spaghetti, or mac n cheese, try using one of the healthier brands by Barilla, Protein Plus or Smart Pasta. Listen, I’m Italian and I say these taste great! The difference is that the new versions have protein, fiber, and more nutrients than regular old white pasta.

  2. Ice Cream – How can you make ice cream healthier? Well, you can’t really, but what you can do is look for the brands with the least ingredients and candy added in. Of course, you can also opt for frozen yogurt and add in chopped nuts, fresh fruit, and a sprinkle of flax seeds. It’s actually extremely satisfying.

  3. Pizza – I bet you didn’t know this but I actually owned a pizzeria when I was younger! So I know a thing or two about how to make great and healthy pizza. I suggest making your own at home as it’s fun, easy, and tastes great. Using store bought dough, make a thin crust and use all natural ingredients. Try crushing your own tomatoes, using a blend of low fat and cottage cheese, and sprinkle a bit of olive oil on top with seasoning.

  4. PB & J – Who doesn’t love peanut butter and jelly? Unfortunately, most brands of peanut butter have added sugar, syrup, and additives. Try using a natural brand that contains nothing but peanuts, and a low sugar jam in place of jelly. You can cut the sugar in half by using smarter, healthier choices.

  5. Eggs –This is for those of you that eat out and order eggs or omelets for breakfast. A HUGE tip is to ask the cook to scrape the grill clean before cracking your eggs! If not, they use a scoop of butter to fry your eggs! Plus, I usually ask for 4 egg whites and one yolk. And lastly, I’ll ask for a toasted English muffin and eat half.

  6. Bread – I have to admit, I don’t eat bread anymore and don’t keep it in the house. Now I use mostly wraps, pitas and lavishes. There has been an explosion of new healthy brands that are high fiber, low carbohydrate, high protein, and some are gluten free. I make sandwiches, toast, and even pizza with them!

  7. Waffles – Remember when you were a kid – waffles with chunks of butter and drowned in syrup tasted great. But we know better now. Luckily, waffles don’t have to be just white flour and minimally nutritious. I buy multi grain and gluten free waffles that taste great! My kids have them for breakfast regularly, but we top them with natural peanut butter and organic honey. Try it out!

  8. Tortilla Chips – You know I love tortilla chips and peanut butter as a snack, but I’m picky about which brands I choose. Not all chips are created equal, and I’ll only eat the variety that are made with stone ground corn as the main ingredient. Some chip impostors are loaded with flour, sugars, and fillers. Stick to the basics with this finger food and look for just a few ingredients on the bag.

  9. Rice Pudding – I love rice pudding! A little trick I use is to make it with brown rice, which adds more fiber, protein, and overall nutrition compared to white rice. I’ll throw in a few raisins, some cinnamon powder and in place of sugar, a touch of honey for sweetness. I also like to cut the whole milk in half and try soy, almond or even coconut milk added in. It tastes really great!

  10. French Fries – This is an American finger food icon! Sadly, most restaurants serve them deep-fried and soaked in salt. My version is much healthier and tastes great. I use either white or sweet potatoes, or a combo of both, and cut then up into steak fries. I then use a pan with a little olive oil and sauté them with a little sea salt. Another option is to put them in the oven and bake them till they’re crispy. Either way, these fries taste great and are actually healthy!

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