Fune Sushi in Da Nang: I think the owners genuinely no longer care about this place

in #foodlast year

I am not a huge fan of sushi. I'll eat it if it is there but I rarely go out of my way to get it. I think that most sushi fans are likely fans of being trendy more so than they are of the actual food. Either that or they, like me, really like the taste of wasabi, soy, and ginger. The other day a friend of mine suggested we go to a " really good" sushi place that is pretty far away from my house and I declined because I hate traveling for half an hour just to go to a restaurant.

I had mentioned to her that Fune Sushi is in our neighborhood so why don't we just go there? She replied that "Fune sucks" which I kind of laughed at but later on that same day I decided to go in there and test her theory. I wasn't going to have sushi anyway but it is also Japanese restaurant and I am a big fan of ramen.


I think the first sign (literal sign this time) that a place has kind of given up on even trying to be competitive is when their sign on the road has a massive hole in it, is sun damaged, has graffiti on it, and they don't even bother to rectify that. I know that getting one of these things refurbed costs like $10 so that is just pure laziness there.

When I entered the shop all of the staff were lying down in the booths on the right and this is sign number 2 that a place has seriously given up on even trying. Unfortunately things did not get better from there.


The front door was open and the air con was on and I would imagine that if the owner of this place was to see that not only are their staff literally sleeping on the job but they are wasting money on the air conditioning that they would not be pleased with this.

Also, they hadn't even really set the place up for service and were just lazing around at the booths.


There were bits and bobs all over the sushi bar, which was where I was going to sit but since I was literally the only customer I figured it wouldn't be rude of me to occupy an entire booth to myself.


The menu I was given was falling apart, the lamination was very loose and somehow the menu managed to smell bad as well. I don't know how a laminated piece of paper ends up smelling like rot but this one did. I felt like I needed to wash my hands after touching it.

I ordered my ramen that I have had at other places before and just hoped for the best even though all the warning signs were telling me to hit the road and leave this place behind me. I should have heeded the warning signs. After I ordered my ramen I noticed that the sleepy chef that moments before had been lying down in the booth behind me suddenly ran out the front door and got on a motorbike. I was thinking "great, now they don't even have the ingredients to make my order."

It was actually much worse than that. They didn't have any of the ingredients and aren't even preparing the ramen on site. He tried to be sneaky when he returned by coming into the building from the rear entrance but I saw him. He had a bowl with plastic wrap on top of it that later ended up being served to me.


now this doesn't really look all that bad and the taste was passable as well. I just have a really big problem with a business that orders the food that you order from them from another place, gets it for take-away, then returns to their own place and tries to make it appear as though they made them there. I should just open a burger place and when the customer orders my quarter pounders I'll just order them from McDonalds, have someone bang some spoons around in the kitchen, wait for the McDelivery, then jack the price up a bit. That is essentially what this lazy establishment is doing.

I wonder if the owner is out of town or if they too no longer care about this place. I certainly wouldn't want to eat any raw fish from here ESPECIALLY if they actually did have any on site, which I doubt is the case because there was no display box where most Japanese restaurants would let people visually examine the tuna and salmon before ordering.

This place is on the down down, and I really don't know if they can possibly turn it around. Not with the attitude that currently exists with the staff that are there now anyway. I would suggest for most people that you just stay away from this place. There are many other options for Japanese food in the area as well as all around Da Nang.

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