Found an epic chicken in the park! Would you eat it?

in #food6 years ago

I decided not to eat this one because it looked dirty and dried out and the bugs had beat me to it.


These little guys like chicken of the woods as well.


This probably weighs two to four pounds, in good condition and if there was a place to sell it that would be a $100 mushroom.


A few days ago I found some nicer but smaller specimens about 20 feet away, I did eat some of those. Read about that culinary adventure here


I don't eat mushrooms and if I was gonna try out as a first timer, I certainly would not start with that

good idea, that is a dirty one and full of bugs. Did you see the ones from my last post?

Those look much better...still don't like mushrooms though

these taste like and have a similar texture to lemon chicken.

hahaha! what now you're getting picky on us empress!

howdy sir funbobby51! whoa that thing is a mushroom? I've never seen one like that before, it looks like a mess! but it's probably healthy huh? very interesting.

I think they are a good source of various minerals and micronutrients. It's called a chicken of the woods, they taste really good. That one is in the middle of a playground near a road though, probably been peed on by a million dogs. What's cool is that grew in like a day, it was not there the day before.

haha! peed on by a million dogs! lol. I'm sure that's true. well that thing growing in one day is totally amazing, I didn't know anything could grow that fast!

the mushroom is just the fruiting body of a much larger organism, there is a network that is eating that whole tree all the time and then when the conditions are right it puts out a massive fruit.

howdy back sir funbobby51! well that makes me feel like a real dummy but I'm glad because now I understand how these things grow!

they are crazy alien lifeforms, nobody really understands completely everything about them, when you start reading about them you start finding the phrase "believed to be" and things that people don't agree on.

oh really? wow ok well now I don't feel so bad. hey the Engagement League comes out today and you are remarkably consistent by getting into the top ten or 15 so that's very admirable.

Thanks, I troll pretty hard. Once I won one of their awards I try to keep my self votes low and vote for lots of people. Their award is sometimes the most profitable thing I do on here all week.

This is going to be part of many new culinary adventures for me....don't get to jealous (lol), these are some pictures I am going to use as part of a post on our new local grocery store....this is the only place I will be doing any hunting for mushrooms (lol)



Photo09071815.jpg cool is this place, picking up a few things with your littlest fan he can do all the hard work...


those oyster mushrooms look pretty good and they have a great taste, I grew some before, try them.

I am going to since you can buy a couple at a time, it's not like you have to buy a container full of mushrooms for say ten bucks to find out you don't like them. This should prove a interesting learning experience.

That doesn't look much like the Chicken of the Woods we have hereabouts, which are bright orange with a yellow underside and margin. I have found them weighing over 50 lbs., and harvest only the margin (which isn't woody and bitter, while older material tends to be on larger individuals) for personal use.

Is the color simply not well reproduced in the picture, or is there another reason for the dissimilarity from the variety I am familiar with?


It is a pretty crappy picture but it is also a pretty crappy mushroom.
I think it is still immature, maybe I will go out today and see if it dried up or got kicked by a child or got bigger. They start off like yellow Styrofoam and then they develop out into ledges and then they turn more reddish and have pores on the bottom. Also this one has a lot of dirt and perhaps mold on it, the gray part is not normal, probably been peed on by a lot of dogs, did you see the ones in my last post?

I picked those before they turned red or developed pores on the bottom side, they have a higher water content and are a little less flavorful than ones that are more developed I have eaten. Seems like older ones often have bugs in them or are all dried out.

Do the ones in your area taste like lemony chicken/lobster?

They are well named, including the name Sulphur Shelf (from the bright yellow color) and resemble poultry in texture in the various dishes I eat them in. The older they get the more bitter and woody they get, and I have never tried to sell them.

these are a little nicer

Those look very young, hardly look like a shelf at all. I see but a tinge of the bright orange color that marks them hereabouts, and I've never found them at that stage: before they flatten out.

It's been super dry, we had one rainy day and that is what got them going but it has not rained again. At this stage they look just like spray foam insulation.

The rains begin here, and so does the mushroom season. I hope soon my little shiitake farm will start producing.

It's raining today after being cloudy and cold and dry all week so maybe there will be some interesting things popping up. I think I am going to try a giant puffball this year in addition to more chicken of the woods.

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