terrible mental error

in #food6 years ago

When I eat a grilled cheez, I like to have a tomato soup by Campbell's.

There's the little can, and there's the big can. Usually I have enough appetite for the big can. Today I couldn't find the big can, and instead I saw this jar sort of thing advertising an easy peel opening.

Meh, I tend to prefer the can and the iconic feel of it. Where did this jar come from and where's my big can? But okay, the price per weight is cheaper than the small can, so that works.

As soon as I poured it I knew something was wrong.

And right away it hit me: It's not condensed.

Way too thin. Indeed, the jar confirms "tomato soup" rather than "condensed tomato soup". That's what this jar business is all about.

GTFO. Make Campbell's great again.

I actually only recently discovered that Campbell's soup is condensed and that you're supposed to add water to it. But it turns out I like it condensed, and so I knowingly don't add water now.

The jar was probably actually more expensive than the small can of condensed, when you adjust for the added water. So buying the jar was just so bad all around.

It's a tough spot for Campbell's.

It's like there's a barrier of needing people to know how it works. If you don't realize that it's condensed and that you actually end up with more soup after you add water, other soups will look bigger and appear like a better value on the shelf.

But selling them condensed is actually a great angle. You don't pay to ship water weight. It's brilliant. All soup should be condensed.

It bugs me that I accidentally supported their new watery sellout soup. I'm committed now to only ever want to buy condensed.

I implore Campbell's to pull this jar off the shelf, and instead double down on condensed and really own it.

Launch an ad campaign that harkens back to the great depression and how Campbell's was there for us and all that. It'll seem like you're playing up the heritage, and that's a part of it, but you're also slipping in education about what condensed soup is.

The jar seems like kind of a half-measure. Doesn't seem like the right use of the Campbell's branding.


The only man on steemit - and perhaps the whole world - who can make the comparing jars and cans interesting!!!

GTFO. Make Campbell's great again.

Hail Campbell's!

It bugs me that I accidentally supported their new watery sellout soup.

Nooooooo. I'm sure the can understands! You didn't mean to be disloyal. You only succumbed to the dark side in a brief moment of curiosity mixed with desperation. Dont be so damn hard on yourself! :(

I'm committed now to only ever want to buy condensed.

That's more like it! What's life without commitment to these little things! or in this case the bigger one. (The can is bigger right? lol)

The jar seems like kind of a half-measure.

haha Epic!

hahaha, hey buddy :)


Nooooooo. I'm sure the can understands! You didn't mean to be disloyal. You only succumbed to the dark side in a brief moment of curiosity mixed with desperation. Dont be so damn hard on yourself! :(

okay okay I won't, I feel forgiven now!

The Campbell's gods I think immediately understood.

But that pesky sales and marketing department is all about the numbers and are probably calculating my sale as we speak 😶


(The can is bigger right? lol)

ya! The big can is bigger than the jar all around. The small can is physically smaller than the jar. But it's condensed. So I think it too is actually bigger than the jar, after you add water (if adding water is your thing).

Lots of variables these days.

I hate when companies replace my favorite items with new improved crap. What are they thinking? I went into a two week depression when Wawa discontinued their prime rib bowl. It was my go-to comfort food lunch 3-4 times per week. I would get it over mash potato or over mac and cheese was the best. I actually emailed customer service to ask them to bring it back, but all i got was a $5 gift card. They lost my lunch business after that.

One thing i would recommend @full-measure is if your item has been discontinued, you may still be able to find them at a dollar store. Stock up on them if you do find them for one last winter of good o condense tomato soup.

haha yaaaa!

Right now it seems like they def still have the condensed. (just, the small can, and the jar seems like it took the place of the big can, at this particular store.) so for now I don't think they're getting rid of condensed, but they might if the watered down sells better!!

I hate when companies replace my favorite items with new improved crap. What are they thinking? I went into a two week depression when Wawa discontinued their prime rib bowl. It was my go-to comfort food lunch 3-4 times per week. I would get it over mash potato or over mac and cheese was the best. I actually emailed customer service to ask them to bring it back, but all i got was a $5 gift card. They lost my lunch business after that.

hahaha that sucks. cool that they gave you a $5 gift card lol. I bet you were really fired up in the email you sent them!!

Hello, I regret that you will pass' because of what many people have gone through, I share your taste for the condensed soup, I do not add water either, they should remove it from the shelves and leave our big can of condensed soup. Good for that one.

hi @carmenanglada

Hello, I regret that you will pass' because of what many people have gone through

Could you elaborate?

Well, I do not know English and I had to translate my opinion in a google translator, what I meant was that it is unfortunate that many people who like condensed soup, we do not get it on the shelves and another one that even though of the same brand is of worse quality.

I see, I see. Indeed, very unfortunate :(

but hopefully we can get the big condensed can back!

other soups will look bigger and appear like a better value on the shelf.

That’s happening everywhere and it gets worse. Switching from 100% cotton materials to mixed cotton and polyester with prices slowly increasing, same with food. Just yesterday, I bought my favorite baggles and they are half empty inside. I have no idea how they do it, but that’s how they deal with inflation. They try to fool customers by lowering the quality of food or clothes and slowly increasing the prices at the same time. They may fool me once, but not twice. They will eventually loose their customers.


it's funny, Campbell's (when it's condensed) is kind of like the backwards version of that. it's like they're going out of their way to shrink the appearance of the product hehe. and so (even tho it's actually smart, to not ship water) it disadvantages them relative to how the other soups appear.

so now they have to inflate it with the water just to return to normal of what the other soups look like :p

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