What is food, have we got it all wrong?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #food7 years ago (edited)


I don’t care if people eat meat or plants or both. I do care that we all share greater understanding of the mechanisms that drive biology so that we can make better choices, for ourselves and for our environment.

The core idea I currently subscribe to is this: The more antioxidants a substance requires to stabilize it, the lower value it has as a food. This idea is based on the assumptions listed below, all of which may be incorrect and will certainly contain some inaccuracies. It is a working model and open to change.

1- Polyunsaturated fats from seeds (n-6) can not be stabilized and they saturate the mechanism for DHA assimilation, wrecking membrane resilience and function.

2- n-6 irritate and damage arteries creating calcification that is easily measured by a CAC test. (Ivor Cummings, Chris Masterjohn)

3 - n-6 competes for and saturates cellular mechanisms for DHA production. (Undisputed bio chemistry)

4 - n-6 drains antioxidants from cells to fight the damage that n-6 is doing to cell membranes and by extension, to tissues and organs. (Tucker Goodrich is blaming Polyunsaturated fats rather than carbohydrates for insulin resistance, I have not read his work, but I tend to agree that the root of the problem is an antioxidant crisis).

5 - substantially more antioxidants are required to use carbohydrates for fuel, than fatty acids or ketone bodies. This is not a problem for undamaged mitochondria. (Dr Veech)

6 - When Glutathione, the main antioxidant used in the mitochondria is insufficient, the cell try’s to reject more glucose from entering. Insulin is the signal to accept glucose, it increases to force the cell to open. When the cell requires more insulin to respond, this is known as insulin resistance. (Chris Masterjohn)

7 - The body has about 1,000 teaspoons of blood and can tolerate about 4 teaspoons of glucose. This glucose can be made from protein on demand. Excessive glucose is toxic and must be either used for fuel immediately or it will be converted to triglyceride and stored. (Jeff Cyr)

8 - Cells that have been depleted of antioxidants can no longer tolerate carbohydrates. Eating Antioxidants from plants does not seem to alter the glutathione levels in the mitochondria where they are required. Our stomach acid and liver enzymes protect us from most plant compounds, few survive this process in any usable form other than glucose, fructose and acids (Dr Art Ayers)

9 - Fat cells also become inuslin resistant, I do not know why this is, but (Ivor Cummings and Professor Bikman can explain it) They are probably overloaded with triglycerides, and that is why it ends up back in the liver and other organs.

10 - once a cells mitochondria are damaged it can not use oxygen or antioxidants anymore, it will revert to fermenting glucose which provides insufficient energy for immune system function or for checking the way new protiens are read or folded from our DNA - this is the environment for cancer and fungal infections. (Dr Bruce Lipton and Dr Thomas Seyfried)

11 - Stress is Inappropriate tension - it is basically fear that can not be expressed in any useful way. This fear represents about half of our emotional spectrum, the other half is the joy and curiosity of sensation. Our biology is ruined when it can not perform graceful chemistry and transport those products efficiently. Concern over worthiness of love and validation are basically safety/threat issues, stories about our value account for 95% of our emotions and actions. It is very hard to maintain correct tension in the blood vessels and organs and muscles when we are not present to our senses. Our thoughts rob our attention from reality making it impossible for biology to do homeostasis. Our thoughts are our opinions bounced back at us. If we could release our opinions, we would not require so much energy, therefore we would require less fuel and less antioxidants. (I learned this from the balancing and applying functional leverage while on my SUP board on the ocean).

12 - High Blood Sugar disables the immune system. GAA - glucose ascorbate antagonism. Macrophages are like little PAC-MAN they gobble up dead, threatening or dysfunctional matter, they are the soldiers of the immune system. They work 14 times harder when they are full of vitimin C, (ascobic acid). Glucose is structurely similar to Ascorbic acid and when blood sugar is high, Macrophages become saturated with glucose rather than ascorbic acid.

13 - Malaria is a parasite that infect the red blood cells. It requires high levels of blood sugar to grow, it becomes dormant in the fasted state. Many other parasites, fungal infections and of course cancer thrive in high glycemic environments, when we run on fat as a fuel we simply require fewer anti oxidants and avoid the insulin resistance that increases both blood sugar and triglyceride levels.

14 - 34% of the Earth is covered by land, of this 18% was grassland. These grasslands and the soils that sustain them were created by a web of organisms included micro-organisms, (they are the the sequestered carbon), insects like dung beetles and worms, large herbivores that have multiple stomaches for breaking down plant cellulose into fats and acids, top level predators that kept the herds both moving and genetically strong.

The 4% of the Earth that is used for cultivated crops, such as fruit tress, grains (grass seeds), legumes (seeds), are using soils that were created by herds of animals and the web of life they require. We now use petro chemical pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers to prevent that land from reverting back to pasture (grass and weeds that animals with 4 stomaches thrive on). We use Hydro-carbons to produce Carb-Hydrates - great business for the energy companies and pharmaceutical industries that fund our research and train our doctors, but terrible for the biology we walk around in.

15 - of the 3 Macro Nutrients, Protien Carbohydrates and Fats. Carbohydrates are both unnecessary and other negative performance. I know this from direct experience, becuase I stopped eating any plant food 14 weeks ago and just took 1st place in an SUP race against people half my age. (Dr Shawn Baker has been full carnivore for 1 year and is breaking world records on a Concept 2 rower and he is 50). Maybe we will both fall apart in the near future, but so far I have never felt better or thought more clearly.

16 - All of this thinking is my own way of trying to apply control, rather than accepting what is, and trying to move gracefully with that. Sensitivity to what is, is all we really have, quality action flows from this. I hope to write, draw and move more from sensitivity and less from fear each day. It is certainly easier to be kind when surrounded by the intelligent use of resourses that creates abundance. First we need to understand what that means and choose our actions based upon that understanding.

*The names quoted may not show their proper tittles, and those people did not use the words I have chosen, I am quite sure I have mis understood them on many occasions, but it is not my desire to mis represent their incredible work for humanity and the greater biology. I provide their names so that you may do your own research if interested.

If you made it this far, thank you so much! I’m a minow, so not many will see this post, if you think others may find it interesting, please consider re-steeming =8-P


Excellent post freemoceanisnow!
I am a BIG believer in the the production of healthy eco friendly foods - preferably at home or near markets - we need to stop the incredibly stupid transport of vegetables and produce across borders and seas when local alternatives are in truth better for all!

Following you now for more wisdom :D

Very nice post @freemoceanisnow. Resteemed...

Nice [email protected] for upvote me.

No worries, I like your work and the way the way you see things steem on brother :)

It is really a great post with helpful information, I resteemed.

I am so impressed by how open is your mind/body, no wonder you seem to be having so much fun with your life. Great to see you here, thank you, my day is richer :)

I forgot to mention glycation, well done

Ty sir. Interesting mind you got there.

You also, its the questions we ask that matter much more than the answers we let go of along the way :) curiosity is one cool cat

Interesting, my sister suffers from headaches, I will send her this video, thanks friend .Following.

What kind of headaches? Migranes? I always recommend chiropractic as a first measure and a good chiropractor cuz they are not all equal. I know people who have been cured from chiropractic. And also, diet, acupuncture, massage, and nueral cranial restructuring.

Well for one, my sister is a smoker, (Tell her to quit, it restricts blood vessels), and she stares are a screen all day so most likely sinus and tension headaches (Sinus issues run in the family). She was diagnosed with cluster headaches but I think it was misdiagnosed.

Most headaches are misdiagnosed. Get ct scan of sinuses. If sinuses are the issue, balloon sinuplasty can help. Ive had it done. These doctors just like to say, tension headaches, cluster, migranes, yet do not address root issue.

Agreed, they would rather prescribe meds and get kick backs from pharm reps. I know the deal, thanks for the info friend.

Exactly correct. I have more info if needed ( 11 year headache). I have felt the power of some therapies, so will recommend. :) nice meeting ya

Thanks man, so what therapy would you say is the best for someone suffering from long term headaches? Pleasure meeting you as well friend.

Interesting, but can you break it down to some basics for us non scientists. Whats a good rule of thumb or basically what kids of foods are good? Upped and Following friend.

I try to stick to the chemistry and critical thinking to remove the emotional noise. I am a surfboard salesman, with little training in the sciences. After 3 years of trying to follow PHD’s and Doctors I began to pick up the syntax, and forget that others do not have it. 1 - Just eat real food 2 - dont eat processed seeds, such as cereals or any oil made from squashing seeds. 3 - if you are going to eat plants, eat ones that release energy slowly. 4 - dont be afraid of saturated fats or red meat, they are the most bio-available, low stress foods for building and replacing your cells and for creating electricity to run the show. You should not trust or believe me. Beleif only leads to insecurity and outward focus, better to listen to Ivor Cummings or Dr. Shawn Baker and start experimenting on yourself to build experiences you can trust. The more we identify with nature through our senses, the less fear we have, the more we can feel...feeling is direct connection to reality as a flow, it’s the real possibility of intelligence and non separation ie...using energy well. Too far?

Exactly. Pooh pooh belief lol. Its amazing all the misinformation on meat. How terrible it is. What? Have any of you read any research papers or done some experimenting? I have felt the best and got in the best shape of my life w/ meat only. Ty

Like a lot of people, I first heard that fearing cholesterol was silly and dangerous, that led me into low carb research, after trying low carb, low fat, (that was aweful but showed how much I still feared fat) I found Paleo, high fat anscestral diets. Then I discovered Ketogenic diets and the cancer and epilepsy results. My intuition kept leading me to play with strict carnivore and lose the plants to get a really clean simple signal as a baseline. Then I saw Dr Shawn Baker breaking his own world records after only 3 months on meat only diet, thats when I decided to trust my instincts and be serious about it. About 14 weeks in and I am able train harder and recover faster than I could 25 years ago. So who knows if I will start adding plants back in again or not, for now I am loving the performance and feel like I am growing younger tissues. Love to hear what other people have found from their experiences?

Yes the vid I sent is dr Greg Ellis, he goes over the cholesterol myth pretty in depth. Also shows how politics influence science and shit studies get passed as fact. Also these studies were showing how athletes did better on carbs but failed to compare with people who have become fat adaptive. It can take 6 months or a year to become fat adaptive and efficiently use fats for fuel. Ive done many extreme eatings. The worst was low fat, horrible. I think plants have there place and also know people personally who have cured disease with plants only. We are a very adaptive being. For sure natural foods are a great place to start. I also do intermittent fasting, something Ellis is against, but i have found benefit. I cant type as fast as my brain moves lol...

I can be a bit of control freak, I am actually going to stop posting my own work for awhile. See you on the the other threads. Your very wise, thank you. I need to look at some of my own fears a little more closely :)

Go with your gut, ty kindly

Nah man, that was just what I was looking for, and I was more asking so that more people could take away good information from what you were explaining. For example if I began explaining critical power engineering, most people wouln't be able to follow but by putting thing in laymen's terms you reach a larger audience. :)

Ah, I see you are a movement expert, much better than me. So you already understand a great deal, I will follow your work. Love Jujitsu though I do not do any combat training at the moment, just SUP racing.

Jiu Jitsu is fun man I highly recommend trying it, it is life changing. But I hear surfing is as well. I tried once in North Carolina while I was stationed in Virginia with the USN. I think in 2 hours time I spend maybe 4 seconds standing on waves, not an easy thing to learn. I am following you work also, I would be glad to answer any Jiu Jitsu questions and even check into your local academies to see if they are legit.

Surfing is a high like no other. Like touching God.

Going to make me jump on a plane to the equator and hire a trainer! lol, Going to Cap Canaveral in a few march so hopefully the weather will agree and I can give it a shot!

Nice! I live in Florida :). I grew up surfing! Learned in Coco beach :)

Living where the rest of us vacation! Good for you man! Enjoy, Cheers!

Lol, yeah. My fam goes deep here. Stand your first wave, youll love it. Plus helps/ works with mma. Cheers

Re-steemed and upvoted. This is one of the best food posts ever on Steemit. Quality stuff. Point #13 is very timely at least in the context of my fasting talk on my Bitcoin channel. Thanks for this. Everyone reading this should try a 3 to 5 day fast.

Thank you very much, to be fair I am standing on the shoulders of giants. The real researchers have been trying to bring these simple mechanisms back into our awareness for many years now. In many ways we were wiser pre WW2 before "dietary guidelines" and a pill for everything. I am new to the blockchain space, but totally love decentralisation - learning a lot from you also. Though I have probably spread my capital too thinly away from my BTC reserve.

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