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RE: A Pail Greek Salad To Go With Road Kill. (It's Mostly a Juicy Story With A Little Dryness Here and There.)

in #food7 years ago

Excellent post. Lots of work went into preparing the food and then in putting all the information to the post.
Anyone wanting to try a new dish, can find all your instructions. That is the Steemit way. You epitomize to all Steemians how to be a successful part of the great Steemit family. Your reputation should be going up soon. I haven't read any blogs that are more consistent than yours and filled with good information.
Thank you for helping us and Steemit to grow.



Thank you Francis! It's taking me about 30 posts of this calibre just to rise a step in a reputation level. I wrote 30 posts last month and as of this morning, I have managed to rise from 67.3 to 67.4. I have to say that this is hard to swallow. I hit a rep of 67 in March. 4 months of writing almost everyday and I'm still stuck in 67...and I went from 100+ people upvoting my articles to now, (after hardfork19), I'm lucky if 30 people see what I'm posting.
Thanks for hanging in here with me. I know I am not alone, I guess I just have to figure out what and how to change what I am doing to achieve a different outcome.
I have to admit that I am struggling to stay motivated. :(

I can understand. As I wrote before. Your posts take lots of time. It isn't just some words and pictures thrown on the screen. Doesn't happen like that with you.
But, the cream rises to the top. That is where you are going to be. Among the best. You have already achieved more than most will ever reach. Me included, most likely. But we plod on.

Thank you for your upvote and reply. I cannot forget that. If I ever do, it is curtains for me.
Others can take note of that truth also.


Every day is a new day and we can either decide to spread positivity with our actions or we can can spread negativity. From time to time I need a little pep talk to help me stay motivated. Thank you for providing this for me, Francis. I really appreciate it. ;)

That's nuts! Your content is always well done. Steemit is a strange place, especially now. Well, just about any time we could say that. Hard Fork 19 has been a struggle, for sure. Folks are just not voting like they used to. And with the new people resteeming so much and posting so much, it's hard to even see old friends in my feed, at least. But one thing about Steemit, it evolves.

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