A Witch in the Kitchen: "Pumpkin Pudding"

in #food5 years ago

Hello Dear Witches...!

A good piece of cake never falls bad, good unless you are on a diet, but as is not my case, this afternoon I decided to prepare a delicious and easy pumpkin pudding, super easy, in a blender, although I really love cooking, these last few weeks my mood has not been the best, and that's why I haven't shared as many recipes as I usually do, rest assured that this is about to change, and good to justify the absence of my recipes here I share this delight.

The puddings or cakes based on vegetables, are my favorite, because in addition to eating a delicious dessert, I'm eating something healthy, and on the other hand is the funniest way to make Mi Mathias can consume them, as every child runs away from vegetables, and these desserts have become a strategic alliance to be able to fight with him and make him eat the vegetables he is so afraid of hahaha.

This pudding is very fast and practical to make, with few ingredients, which also makes it very economical, and when we mix, practicality, economy and a delicious flavor, is something that is simply very close to perfection. But come with me and I'll show you how quick and easy it is to prepare this delight. Enjoy! .


  • 300 g wheat flour.
  • 200 g sugar.
  • 80 g vegetable oil.
  • 300 gr of pumpkin previously cooked.
  • 4 eggs.
  • 1/2 tsp sodium bicarbonate.
  • 1 tsp cinnamon powder.

  • Preparation

    • Difficulty level: Low
    • Preparation Time: 10 Minutes
    • Baking time: 45 Minutes
    • Total Time: 55 Minutes
    • Yield: 12 Portions

    • You can cook the pumpkin in the microwave, so that it does not absorb much liquid and does not affect the preparation, on the contrary if you boil, try to drain them very well.

      To begin our preparation, add the whole eggs in a blender, followed by the sugar and oil, and blend for about 3 minutes until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

      Continue adding the pumpkin to the blender and process for another 3 minutes. On the other hand we sift the wheat flour and add the cinnamon and sodium bicarbonate, stir and pour over this, the mixture with pumpkin, with the help of a hand whisk or a palette, integrate with the dry ingredients.

      Pour our preparation into a previously floured pudding mould and place in a preheated oven at 180° C for about 45 minutes or until a toothpick is inserted and comes out clean. Let it rest for about 60 minutes and ready to enjoy this delight.

      And as if that wasn't enough, to this pudding delight, I wanted to add a little melted chocolate on top, I really wanted to prove that such a combination, and the truth is that I look great, because the pudding has just the right touch of sweet and the bitter touch of dark chocolate combines perfect.

      Remember that also the consumption of pumpkin is recommended by the high content of beta-carotene, and antioxidants, which makes it great to prevent premature aging, also helps our nervous system to combat problems of depression and stress, which I fall great in these times of stress, added to this collaborates for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and the amount of calories it contributes to the body is minimal, which is why I loved this pudding even more.

      Images of my property, taken with the camera of my iPhone 5s and edited with PowerPoint 2013


      Thank you for taking the time to read this publication, if you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions, I would appreciate it in the comments box, and remember, you can also do magic in the kitchen!

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      This cake looks great. I was craving it already.
      I go to the cake shop and I can find one for my soul. :)

      Ha ha, yes, we sometimes have to sneak vegetables into our family’s diets however we can. This looks like a good recipe. Thank you for sharing!

      that looks so delicious. Can you send some for me here please?

      Looks absolutely delicious! Smart mamas know how to get those good foods into their kids! :)

      Thank you for sharing, Nice post

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      I do enjoy pumpkin and this looked tasty ... but likely the best way for me to consume it is with my eyes :)
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      Thank you for the reminder.

      I am packing lunches for my kids this year and I am looking for easy, healthy and nutritious. I have a few saved recipes of oatmeal, squash and apple bread.

      Packing lunches is not my favorite...

      We have not yet ripened pumpkins, so I will try to repeat the recipe in October)

      never tried anything like that before - looks great though :)

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