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RE: What Does Mad Men and April 11th Have in Common? 5 Gooey Recipes, That's What.

in #food6 years ago

I'm so happy to see people who still love fondue! It's incredibly addictive. Good luck on finishing your marathon. It's an easy show to get "sucked in" by. Great cast. Nice post and, of course, now I'm hungry. I found you through the #payitforward contest. You were featured by @wolfhart. Congratulations and best wishes.


I do! There are so many options with it; you could eat it everyday and have something different each time. I really need to get another set.

Mad Men is pretty good. It's different, which I like. I can't concentrate when it's quiet so when my usual classical music is having the opposite effect, I like to put Netflix on and just let it run. Which can become counter-productive when it's interesting 😏

Thank you for the congrats and for stopping by. I'm so honored to be featured in this contest, and am looking forward to doing my own post with some shoutouts to cool people later on today!

I'm excited to see some of your creative, culinary creations (alliteration is my new toy). I will keep an eye out for your posts.

Culinary creativity is my cunning craft lol thank you for purposely peeping my posts...(I think maybe I should stay away from alliteration) 🤣

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