The Delicious Gold Ingot Dessert (32pics Original for Steemit) 金元宝酥饼

in #food8 years ago

Today I made a special gift for steemit, I gave it a nice name "gold ingot", gold ingot production process is more complex, have more steps,
Ingredients to be prepared: flour, lard, warm water, eggs, cheese, cream, yeast, sugar

Cream, yeast, lard, sugar, with warm water to reconcile, used to make dough

Dough into the oven for 30 minutes, twist into a 20 grams of the size of a ball

Production of butter skin, the method shown in Figure

wrap the ball with a dough

Production of gold ingot shape

In the gold ingot on the brush egg yolk

Preheat the oven, 160 degrees baking temperature for 15 minutes

Hope you like!
今天我为steemit制作了一份特别的礼物,我给它取了一个好听的名称 “金元宝",金元宝的制作过程比较复杂,步骤较多,
需要准备的食材: 面粉,猪油,温水,鸡蛋,奶酪,奶油,酵母,白砂糖

  1. 将奶油,酵母,猪油,白砂糖,用温水调和,用来制作面团
  2. 做好的面团放入在烤箱发酵30分钟,搓成20克大小一个的圆球,用于做金元宝的心
  3. 制作酥油皮,方法如图
  4. 用面皮把圆球包裹起来
  5. 制作金元宝的形状
  6. 在金元宝上刷上准备好的蛋黄液
  7. 烤箱预热,160度的温度烤15分钟,闻到香味就做好
    wish all the friends happy new year


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